# This file is distributed under the same license as the VLC package.
# Derk-Jan Hartman <hartman at videolan dot org>, 2004-2005
# Myckel Habets <myckel at sdf dot lonestar dot org>, 2007-2010
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: vlc 2.2.7\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-22 21:15+0100\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch ("
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
msgid ""
"This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n"
"You may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License;\n"
"see the file named COPYING for details.\n"
"Written by the VideoLAN team; see the AUTHORS file.\n"
msgstr ""
"Dit programma wordt verspreid ZONDER ENIGE GARANTIE, voor zover dit door de "
"wet is toegestaan.\n"
"Het programma mag verspreid worden onder de voorwaarden van de GNU General "

Felix Paul Kühne
"zie het bestand COPYING voor details.\n"
"Geschreven door het VideoLAN-team; zie het bestand AUTHORS.\n"
msgid "Select \"Advanced Options\" to see all options."
msgstr "Selecteer \"Geavanceerde opties\" om alle opties weer te geven."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:38
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:220
#: modules/gui/qt/components/simple_preferences.cpp:222
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Interface"
msgid "Settings for VLC's interfaces"
msgid "Main interfaces"
msgid "Settings for the main interface"
msgstr "Instellingen voor de hoofdinterface"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:46 src/libvlc-module.c:81
msgstr "Bedieningsinterfaces"
msgid "Settings for VLC's control interfaces"
msgstr "Instellingen voor VLC's bedieningsinterfaces"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:49 include/vlc_config_cat.h:50
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:230
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:53 src/input/es_out.c:3085 src/libvlc-module.c:1486
#: modules/access/imem.c:64
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCConvertAndSaveWindowController.m:171
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:404 modules/gui/macosx/VLCOutput.m:92
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCPlaylistInfo.m:101
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:222
#: modules/gui/qt/components/info_panels.cpp:572
#: modules/gui/qt/components/simple_preferences.cpp:224
#: modules/gui/qt/qt.cpp:213 modules/services_discovery/mediadirs.c:77
#: modules/stream_out/es.c:94 modules/stream_out/transcode/transcode.c:182
#: share/lua/http/dialogs/create_stream.html:150
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:721 modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:752
msgstr "Audio-instellingen"
msgstr "Algemene audio-instellingen"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:58 include/vlc_config_cat.h:81
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:750 modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:760
msgid "Audio filters are used to process the audio stream."
msgstr "Audiofilters worden gebruikt om het geluid te verwerken."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:61 src/libvlc-module.c:166
msgid "Audio resampler"
msgstr "Audio-resampler"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:63 src/audio_output/output.c:258
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:414 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:415
msgid "Visualizations"
msgstr "Visuele effecten"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:64 src/audio_output/output.c:319
#: src/libvlc-module.c:206
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:66 include/vlc_config_cat.h:78

Felix Paul Kühne
msgstr "Uitvoermodules"
msgid "General settings for audio output modules."
msgstr "Algemene instellingen voor audio-uitvoermodules."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:69 src/libvlc-module.c:2009
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:183
#: modules/stream_out/transcode/transcode.c:211
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Overige"
msgid "Miscellaneous audio settings and modules."
msgstr "Overige audio-instellingen en modules."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:73 src/input/es_out.c:3129 src/libvlc-module.c:142
#: src/libvlc-module.c:1545 modules/access/imem.c:64
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCConvertAndSaveWindowController.m:160
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:417 modules/gui/macosx/VLCOutput.m:82
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCPlaylistInfo.m:91
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:224
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:367
#: modules/gui/qt/components/info_panels.cpp:573
#: modules/gui/qt/components/simple_preferences.cpp:226
#: modules/gui/qt/qt.cpp:213 modules/services_discovery/mediadirs.c:70
#: modules/stream_out/chromecast/cast.cpp:106 modules/stream_out/es.c:102
#: modules/stream_out/transcode/transcode.c:153
#: share/lua/http/dialogs/create_stream.html:147
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:722 modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:726
msgstr "Algemene video-instellingen"
msgid "General settings for video output modules."
msgstr "Algemene instellingen voor video-uitvoermodules."
msgid "Video filters are used to process the video stream."
msgstr "Videofilters worden gebruikt om de video te verwerken."
msgid "Subtitles / OSD"
msgstr "Ondertitels / OSD"
"Settings related to On-Screen-Display, subtitles and \"overlay subpictures\""
"Instellingen van On-Screen-Display, ondertitels en \"overlay subafbeeldingen"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Splitters"
msgstr "Splitser"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:89
msgid "Video splitters separate the stream into multiple videos."
msgstr ""
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:97
msgid "Settings for input, demultiplexing, decoding and encoding"
msgstr "Instellingen voor invoer, demultiplexing, decodering en codering"
"Settings related to the various access methods. Common settings you may want "
"to alter are HTTP proxy or caching settings."
"Instellingen met betrekking tot de verschillende toegangsmethoden. Veel "
"voorkomende instellingen die u wellicht wilt aanpassen, zoals HTTP-proxy en "
"bufferinstellingen, vallen hieronder."
"Stream filters are special modules that allow advanced operations on the "
"input side of VLC. Use with care..."
"Streamfilters zijn speciale modules voor geavanceerde handelingen aan de "
"invoerzijde van VLC. Wees voorzichtig... "
msgid "Demuxers are used to separate audio and video streams."
"Demuxers worden gebruikt om audio- en videosporen van elkaar te scheiden."

Felix Paul Kühne
msgstr "Videocodecs"
msgid "Settings for the video, images or video+audio decoders and encoders."
"Instellingen voor de decoders en encoders van video, afbeeldingen of video + "

Felix Paul Kühne
msgstr "Audiocodecs"
msgid "Settings for the audio-only decoders and encoders."
msgstr "Instellingen voor audiodecoders en -encoders"
msgid "Settings for subtitle, teletext and CC decoders and encoders."
msgstr "Instellingen voor ondertitels, teletekst en CC-decoders en -encoders"
msgid "General input settings. Use with care..."
msgstr "Algemene invoerinstellingen. Wees voorzichtig..."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:127 src/libvlc-module.c:1944
"Stream output settings are used when acting as a streaming server or when "
"saving incoming streams.\n"
"Streams are first muxed and then sent through an \"access output\" module "
"that can either save the stream to a file, or stream it (UDP, HTTP, RTP/"
"Sout streams modules allow advanced stream processing (transcoding, "
"Streamuitvoerinstellingen worden gebruikt wanneer VLC als streamingserver "
"werkt of bij bewaren van inkomende streams.\n"
"Streams worden eerst gemuxt en dan door een \"toegangsuitvoer\"module "
"gestuurd, die ze kan opslaan in een bestand of streamen (UDP, HTTP, RTP/"
"Sout streammodules zorgen voor geavanceerde streamverwerkingen "
"(transcoderen, dupliceren...)."
"Muxers create the encapsulation formats that are used to put all the "
"elementary streams (video, audio, ...) together. This setting allows you to "
"always force a specific muxer. You should probably not do that.\n"
"You can also set default parameters for each muxer."
msgstr ""
"Muxers maken de inkapselformaten die gebruikt worden om alle elementaire "
"streams (video, audio, ...) te bundelen. Met deze instelling kunt u een "
"bepaalde muxer forceren. U kunt dit waarschijnlijk beter niet doen.\n"
"U kunt ook standaardparameters voor elke muxer instellen."
"Access output modules control the ways the muxed streams are sent. This "
"setting allows you to always force a specific access output method. You "
"should probably not do that.\n"
"You can also set default parameters for each access output."
"Toegangsuitvoermodules laten u instellen hoe gemuxte streams verzonden "
"worden. Met deze instelling kunt u een bepaalde toegangsuitvoermethode "
"forceren. U kunt dit beter niet doen.\n"
"U kunt ook standaardparameters voor iedere toegangsuitvoer instellen."
"Packetizers are used to \"preprocess\" the elementary streams before muxing. "
"This setting allows you to always force a packetizer. You should probably "
"not do that.\n"
"You can also set default parameters for each packetizer."
"Packetizers worden gebruikt voor het voorverwerken van elementaire streams "
"voor ze te muxen. Met deze instelling kunt u een bepaalde packetizer "
"forceren. U kunt dit beter niet doen.\n"
"U kunt ook standaardparameters voor iedere packetizer instellen."
msgid ""
"Sout stream modules allow to build a sout processing chain. Please refer to "
"the Streaming Howto for more information. You can configure default options "
"for each sout stream module here."
msgstr ""
"Sout-streammodules zorgen voor het bouwen van sout-verwerkingsketens. Lees "
"de Streaming Howto voor meer informatie. U kunt hier de standaardwaarden "
"voor de opties van iedere sout-streammodule aanpassen."
msgid "VLC's implementation of Video On Demand"
msgstr "VLC's Video On Demand-implementatie"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:173 src/libvlc-module.c:2053
#: src/playlist/engine.c:233 modules/demux/playlist/playlist.c:64
#: modules/demux/playlist/playlist.c:65 modules/demux/playlist/wpl.c:99
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainWindow.m:296
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainWindow.m:863
#: modules/gui/qt/components/controller.hpp:109
#: modules/gui/qt/components/playlist/playlist.cpp:166
#: modules/gui/qt/components/playlist/selector.cpp:227
#: modules/gui/qt/dialogs/playlist.cpp:39 modules/gui/qt/menus.cpp:1117
msgid "Playlist"
msgstr "Afspeellijst"
msgid ""
"Settings related to playlist behaviour (e.g. playback mode) and to modules "
"that automatically add items to the playlist (\"service discovery\" modules)."
msgstr ""
"Instellingen gerelateerd aan afspeellijstgedrag (bijv. afspeelmodus) en aan "
"modules die automatisch items aan de afspeellijst toevoegen "
msgstr "Algemeen afspeellijstgedrag"
msgid ""
"Services discovery modules are facilities that automatically add items to "
msgstr ""
"Dienstontdekkingmodules zijn faciliteiten die automatisch items aan een "
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:184 src/libvlc-module.c:1844
#: modules/gui/qt/dialogs/extended.cpp:93
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1308
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Geavanceerd"
msgid "Advanced settings. Use with care..."
msgstr "Geavanceerde instellingen. Wees voorzichtig..."
msgid "Advanced settings"
msgid "&Open File..."
msgstr "&Bestand openen..."
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:48
msgid "Open D&irectory..."
msgstr "&Map openen..."
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:49
msgid "Open &Folder..."
msgstr "Selecteer een of meerdere bestanden om te openen"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:51
msgid "Select Directory"
msgstr "Map selecteren"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:51
msgid "Select Folder"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:55
msgstr "Naar een specifiek &tijdstip gaan"
msgid "Custom &Bookmarks"
msgstr "Aangepaste &bladwijzers"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:65 modules/control/oldrc.c:71
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCControlsBarCommon.m:64
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCControlsBarCommon.m:394
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:377 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:487
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:494 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:1324
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:1325 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:1326
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCPlaylist.m:230
#: modules/gui/qt/components/controller.hpp:107
#: modules/gui/qt/dialogs/vlm.cpp:539 modules/gui/qt/ui/open.h:261
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:66
msgid "Remove Selected"
msgid "Information..."
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:71
msgid "Rename Folder..."
msgid "Show Containing Directory..."
msgstr "Bevattende map weegeven..."
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:79 modules/gui/macosx/VLCCoreInteraction.m:447
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:391
msgid "Repeat All"
msgstr "Alles herhalen"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:80 modules/gui/macosx/VLCCoreInteraction.m:467
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:390
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:81 src/libvlc-module.c:1423
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:389
#: modules/gui/qt/components/controller.hpp:111
#: modules/gui/qt/components/controller.hpp:124
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:82 modules/gui/macosx/VLCCoreInteraction.m:425
msgstr "Willekeurige volgorde uit"
msgstr "Aan afspeellijst toevoegen"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:85 modules/gui/macosx/VLCPlaylist.m:237
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:91 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainWindow.m:186
#: modules/gui/qt/components/preferences_widgets.cpp:1138
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:99
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:268
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1292
msgid ""
"<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; "
"charset=utf-8\" /></head><body><h2>Welcome to VLC media player Help</"
"h2><h3>Documentation</h3><p>You can find VLC documentation on VideoLAN's <a "
"href=\"\">wiki</a> website.</p><p>If you are a "
"newcomer to VLC media player, please read the<br><a href=\"http://wiki."
"\"><em>Introduction to VLC media "
"player</em></a>.</p><p>You will find some information on how to use the "
"player in the <br>\"<a href=\""
"Play_HowTo\"><em>How to play files with VLC media player</em></a>\" document."
"</p><p>For all the saving, converting, transcoding, encoding, muxing and "
"streaming tasks, you should find useful information in the <a href=\"http://"
"\">Streaming Documentation</"
"a>.</p><p>If you are unsure about terminology, please consult the <a href="
"\"\">knowledge base</a>.</p><p>To "
"understand the main keyboard shortcuts, read the <a href=\"http://wiki."
"\">shortcuts</a> page.</p><h3>Help</h3><p>Before asking "
"any question, please refer yourself to the <a href=\""
"support/faq.html\">FAQ</a>.</p><p>You might then get (and give) help on the "
"<a href=\"\">Forums</a>, the <a href=\"http://www."
"\">mailing-lists</a> or our IRC channel "
"(<em>#videolan</em> on</p><h3>Contribute to the project</"
"h3><p>You can help the VideoLAN project giving some of your time to help the "
"community, to design skins, to translate the documentation, to test and to "
"code. You can also give funds and material to help us. And of course, you "
"can <b>promote</b> VLC media player.</p></body></html>"
msgstr ""
"<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; "
"charset=utf-8\" /></head><body><h2>Welkom bij VLC Media Player Help</"
"h2><h3>Documentatie</h3><p>U kunt informatie over VLC terugvinden op de "
"VideoLAN <a href=\"\">wiki</a>-website.</p><p>Begint "
"u nog maar net met VLC Media Player, lees dan de <br><a href=\"http://wiki."
"\"><em>Introductie van VLC Media "
"Player</em></a>.</p><p>U vindt informatie over hoe u de speler moet "
"gebruiken in het <br>\"<a href=\""
"Play_HowTo\"><em>Hoe speel ik bestanden af met VLC Media Player</em></a>\"-"
"document.</p><p>Voor alle functies zoals opslaan, converteren, transcoderen, "
"encoderen, muxen en streamen zult u bruikbare informatie vinden in de <a "
"\">streamingdocumentatie</a>.</p><p>Als u onzeker bent over terminologie, "
"raadpleeg dan de <a href=\""
"\">kennisbank</a>.</p><p>Om de belangrijkste sneltoetsen te begrijpen, leest "
"u de <a href=\"\">sneltoetsen</a>-pagina.</"
"p><h3>Help</h3><p>Raadpleeg de <a href=\""
"html\">FAQ</a> voordat u een vraag stelt.</p><p>U kunt hulp krijgen (en "
"bieden) op de <a href=\"\">forums</a>, de <a href="
"\"\">maillijsten</a> of ons IRC-kanaal "
"(<em>#videolan</em> op</p><h3>Bijdragen aan het project</"
"h3><p>U kunt het VideoLAN-project helpen door tijd te geven om de "
"gemeenschap te helpen, om thema's te ontwerpen, documentatie te vertalen, de "
"software te testen en te programmeren. U kunt ons ook financieel of met "
"materieel helpen. En natuurlijk kunt u VLC Media Player <b>promoten</b>.</"
msgid "Audio filtering failed"
msgstr "Audiofilteren mislukt"
#, c-format
msgid "The maximum number of filters (%u) was reached."
msgstr "Het maximum aantal filters (%u) werd bereikt."
#: src/audio_output/output.c:261 src/config/core.c:380 src/input/es_out.c:943
#: src/libvlc-module.c:544 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:234
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainWindow.m:999 modules/video_filter/postproc.c:235
msgid "Disable"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:264 modules/visualization/visual/visual.c:142
msgid "Scope"
msgid "Spectrum"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:273
#, fuzzy
msgid "VU meter"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:312 src/libvlc-module.c:201
msgid "Audio filters"
msgid "Replay gain"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:343 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:410
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:411
msgid "Stereo audio mode"
msgstr "Stereo-audiomodus"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:419
#, fuzzy
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Originele ID"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:425 src/libvlc-module.c:197
msgid "Dolby Surround"
msgstr "Dolby Surround"
Christophe Massiot
#: src/audio_output/output.c:430 src/libvlc-module.c:196
#: modules/access/alsa.c:38 modules/access/oss.c:64
#: modules/access/v4l2/v4l2.c:268 modules/audio_output/alsa.c:76
Christophe Massiot
msgid "Stereo"
msgstr "Stereo"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:439 src/input/es_out.c:3226
#: src/libvlc-module.c:197 src/libvlc-module.c:295 src/libvlc-module.c:368
#: src/misc/actions.c:81 modules/audio_filter/channel_mixer/mono.c:89
#: modules/audio_filter/channel_mixer/remap.c:61 modules/codec/dvbsub.c:102
#: modules/codec/subsdec.c:167 modules/codec/zvbi.c:83
#: modules/control/gestures.c:85
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:204
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:277
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:299
#: modules/spu/audiobargraph_v.c:65 modules/spu/logo.c:80
#: modules/spu/marq.c:129 modules/spu/mosaic.c:170 modules/spu/rss.c:171
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1231
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1273
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1283
Christophe Massiot
msgid "Left"
Christophe Massiot
#: src/audio_output/output.c:442 src/libvlc-module.c:197
#: src/libvlc-module.c:295 src/libvlc-module.c:368 src/misc/actions.c:109
#: modules/audio_filter/channel_mixer/mono.c:89
#: modules/audio_filter/channel_mixer/remap.c:61 modules/codec/dvbsub.c:102
#: modules/codec/subsdec.c:167 modules/codec/zvbi.c:83
#: modules/control/gestures.c:85
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:205
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:279
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:301
#: modules/spu/audiobargraph_v.c:65 modules/spu/logo.c:80
#: modules/spu/marq.c:129 modules/spu/mosaic.c:170 modules/spu/rss.c:171
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1232
Christophe Massiot
msgid "Right"
Christophe Massiot
#: src/audio_output/output.c:446 src/libvlc-module.c:196
Christophe Massiot
msgid "Reverse stereo"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:454 src/libvlc-module.c:198
#: modules/audio_filter/equalizer_presets.h:55
msgid "Headphones"
msgstr "Koptelefoon"
#: src/config/core.c:370 modules/access/dtv/access.c:91
#: modules/access/dtv/access.c:106 modules/access/dtv/access.c:115
#: modules/access/dtv/access.c:123 modules/access/dtv/access.c:132
#: modules/access/dtv/access.c:140 modules/access/dtv/access.c:162
#: modules/access/v4l2/v4l2.c:137 modules/gui/qt/components/open_panels.cpp:971
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatisch"
Christophe Massiot
msgid "To get exhaustive help, use '-H'."
msgstr "Voor meer hulp, gebruik '-H'."
msgid ""
"Usage: %s [options] [stream] ...\n"
"You can specify multiple streams on the commandline.\n"
"They will be enqueued in the playlist.\n"
"The first item specified will be played first.\n"
" --option A global option that is set for the duration of the program.\n"
" -option A single letter version of a global --option.\n"
" :option An option that only applies to the stream directly before it\n"
" and that overrides previous settings.\n"
"Stream MRL syntax:\n"
" [[access][/demux]://]URL[#[title][:chapter][-[title][:chapter]]]\n"
" [:option=value ...]\n"
" Many of the global --options can also be used as MRL specific :options.\n"
" Multiple :option=value pairs can be specified.\n"
"URL syntax:\n"
" file:///path/file Plain media file\n"
" http://host[:port]/file HTTP URL\n"
" ftp://host[:port]/file FTP URL\n"
" mms://host[:port]/file MMS URL\n"
" screen:// Screen capture\n"
" dvd://[device] DVD device\n"
" vcd://[device] VCD device\n"
" cdda://[device] Audio CD device\n"
" udp://[[<source address>]@[<bind address>][:<bind port>]]\n"
" UDP stream sent by a streaming server\n"
" vlc://pause:<seconds> Pause the playlist for a certain time\n"
" vlc://quit Special item to quit VLC\n"
msgstr ""
"Gebruik: %s [opties] [stream] ...\n"
"U kunt meerdere streams in de opdrachtregel ingeven.\n"
"Ze worden achter elkaar in de afspeellijst geplaatst.\n"
"Het eerste element wordt als eerste afgespeeld.\n"
" --optie Een algemene optie die voor de duur van het programma actief is.\n"
" -optie Een eenletterige versie van een algemene --optie.\n"
" :optie Een optie die alleen van toepassing zal zijn op de stream \n"
" die er aan voorafgaat en algemene opties negeert.\n"
"Stream MRL syntax::\n"
" [[toegang][/demux]://]URL[@[titel][:hoofdstuk][-[titel][:hoofdstuk]]]\n"
" [:optie=waarde ...]\n"
" Veel van de algemene --opties kunnen ook als MRL specifieke :opties "
"gebruikt worden.\n"
" Meerdere :optie=waarde paren kunnen opgegeven worden.\n"
"URL syntax:\n"
" [file://]bestandsnaam Gewoon mediabestand\n"
" http://host[:poort]/bestand HTTP URL\n"
" ftp://host[:poort]/bestand FTP URL\n"
" mms://host[:poort]/bestand MMS URL\n"
" screen:// Schermopname\n"
" [dvd://][apparaat[@raw_device] dvd-apparaat\n"
" [vcd://][apparaat] vcd-apparaat\n"
" [cdda://][apparaat] audio-cd-apparaat\n"
" udp:[[<bron adres>]@[<bind adres>][:<bind poort>]]\n"
" UDP stream verzonden door streamingserver\n"
" vlc://pause:<seconden> Speciaal item om VLC voor "
"bepaalde tijd te pauzeren\n"
" vlc://quit Speciaal item om VLC af te sluiten\n"
#: src/config/help.c:490
#, fuzzy
msgid "(default enabled)"
#: src/config/help.c:491
#, fuzzy
msgid "(default disabled)"
msgstr " (standaard uitgeschakeld)"
msgid "add --advanced to your command line to see advanced options."
msgstr ""
"voeg --advanced aan uw opdrachtregel toe om de geavanceerde opties te zien."
msgid "%u module was not displayed because it only has advanced options.\n"
msgid_plural ""
"%u modules were not displayed because they only have advanced options.\n"
msgstr[0] ""
"%u module werd niet weergegeven omdat ze alleen geavanceerde opties hebben.\n"
msgstr[1] ""
"%u modules werden niet weergegeven omdat ze alleen geavanceerde opties "
msgid ""
"No matching module found. Use --list or --list-verbose to list available "
msgstr ""
"Geen overeenkomende module gevonden. Gebruik --list of --list-verbose voor "
"een lijst van alle beschikbare modules."
#, c-format
msgid "VLC version %s (%s)\n"
msgstr "VLC versie %s (%s)\n"
#, c-format
msgid "Compiled by %s on %s (%s)\n"
msgstr "Gecompileerd door %s op %s (%s)\n"
#, c-format
msgid "Compiler: %s\n"
msgstr "Compiler: %s\n"
msgid ""
"Dumped content to vlc-help.txt file.\n"
msgstr ""
"Inhoud tijdelijk opgeslagen in het bestand vlc-help.txt.\n"
msgid ""
"Press the RETURN key to continue...\n"
msgstr ""
"Druk op ENTER om verder te gaan...\n"
#: src/darwin/error.c:37
msgid "Unknown error"
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark %i"
msgstr "Bladwijzer %i"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1875
msgid "No description for this codec"
msgstr "Geen beschrijving voor deze codec"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1877
msgid "Codec not supported"
msgstr "Codec niet ondersteund"
msgid "VLC could not decode the format \"%4.4s\" (%s)"
msgstr "VLC kon het formaat \"%4.4s\" niet decoderen (%s)"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1882
msgid "Unidentified codec"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1883
msgid "VLC could not identify the audio or video codec"
msgstr "VLC kon de audio- of videocodec niet identificeren"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1894
msgid "packetizer"
msgstr "packetizer"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1894
msgid "decoder"
msgstr "decoder"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1902 src/input/decoder.c:2183
#: modules/codec/avcodec/encoder.c:368 modules/codec/avcodec/encoder.c:885
#: modules/stream_out/es.c:349 modules/stream_out/es.c:362
msgid "Streaming / Transcoding failed"
msgstr "Streamen/transcoderen mislukt"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1903
#, c-format
msgid "VLC could not open the %s module."
msgstr "VLC kon de module %s niet openen."
#: src/input/decoder.c:2184
msgid "VLC could not open the decoder module."
msgstr "VLC kon decodermodule niet openen."
#: src/input/es_out.c:963 src/input/es_out.c:968 src/libvlc-module.c:239
#: src/input/es_out.c:1185
#, c-format
msgid "%s [%s %d]"
msgstr "%s [%s %d]"
#: src/input/es_out.c:1186 src/input/es_out.c:1191 src/input/es_out.c:1206
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:397 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:398
msgid "Program"
msgstr "Programma"
#: src/input/es_out.c:1216
#, c-format
msgid "Stream %d"
msgstr "Stream %d"
#: src/input/es_out.c:1468 src/input/es_out.c:1470
msgid "Scrambled"
msgstr "Gecodeerd"
#: src/input/es_out.c:1468 modules/keystore/keychain.m:40
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DTVCC Closed captions %u"
msgstr "Gesloten ondertitels %u"
msgstr "Gesloten ondertitels %u"