# This file is distributed under the same license as the VLC package.
# Marián Hikaník <>, 2014-2017
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: vlc 2.2.7\n"
Christophe Mutricy
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-16 03:09+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Marián Hikaník <>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak ("
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
msgid ""
"This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n"
"You may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License;\n"
"see the file named COPYING for details.\n"
"Written by the VideoLAN team; see the AUTHORS file.\n"
msgstr ""
"Tento program je poskytovaný BEZ ZÁRUKY, v maximálne právne možnom rozsahu.\n"
"Môžete ho distribuovať pri dodržaní podmienok licencie GNU General Public "
"pre podrobnejšie informácie si prečítajte text v súbore s názvom COPYING.\n"
"Vytvorené tímom VideoLAN; pozrite si súbor AUTHORS.\n"
msgid "VLC preferences"
msgstr "Nastavenia programu VLC"
msgid "Select \"Advanced Options\" to see all options."
"Ak chcete vidieť všetky nastavenia, kliknite na príkaz \"Pokročilé možnosti"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:38
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:220
#: modules/gui/qt/components/simple_preferences.cpp:222
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Rozhranie"
msgid "Settings for VLC's interfaces"
msgid "Main interfaces"
msgstr "Hlavné rozhrania"
msgid "Settings for the main interface"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:46 src/libvlc-module.c:81
msgid "Control interfaces"
msgid "Settings for VLC's control interfaces"
msgstr "Nastavenia ovládacích rozhraní programu VLC"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:49 include/vlc_config_cat.h:50
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:230
msgid "Hotkeys settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia klávesových skratiek"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:53 src/input/es_out.c:3085 src/libvlc-module.c:1486
#: modules/access/imem.c:64
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCConvertAndSaveWindowController.m:171
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:404 modules/gui/macosx/VLCOutput.m:92
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCPlaylistInfo.m:101
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:222
#: modules/gui/qt/components/info_panels.cpp:572
#: modules/gui/qt/components/simple_preferences.cpp:224
#: modules/gui/qt/qt.cpp:213 modules/services_discovery/mediadirs.c:77
#: modules/stream_out/es.c:94 modules/stream_out/transcode/transcode.c:182
#: share/lua/http/dialogs/create_stream.html:150
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:721 modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:752
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "Zvuk"
msgid "Audio settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia zvuku"
msgid "General audio settings"
msgstr "Všeobecné nastavenia zvuku"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:58 include/vlc_config_cat.h:81
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:750 modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:760
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "Filtre"
msgid "Audio filters are used to process the audio stream."
msgstr "Zvukové filtre sa používajú na dodatočnú úpravu zvukového streamu."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:61 src/libvlc-module.c:166
msgid "Audio resampler"
msgstr "Prevzorkovanie zvuku"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:63 src/audio_output/output.c:258
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:414 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:415
msgid "Visualizations"
msgstr "Vizualizácie"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:64 src/audio_output/output.c:319
#: src/libvlc-module.c:206
msgid "Audio visualizations"
msgstr "Vizualizácie zvuku"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:66 include/vlc_config_cat.h:78
msgid "Output modules"
msgstr "Výstupné moduly"
msgid "General settings for audio output modules."
msgstr "Všeobecné nastavenia výstupných modulov zvuku."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:69 src/libvlc-module.c:2009
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:183
#: modules/stream_out/transcode/transcode.c:211
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Rôzne"
msgid "Miscellaneous audio settings and modules."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:73 src/input/es_out.c:3129 src/libvlc-module.c:142
#: src/libvlc-module.c:1545 modules/access/imem.c:64
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCConvertAndSaveWindowController.m:160
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:417 modules/gui/macosx/VLCOutput.m:82
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCPlaylistInfo.m:91
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:224
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:367
#: modules/gui/qt/components/info_panels.cpp:573
#: modules/gui/qt/components/simple_preferences.cpp:226
#: modules/gui/qt/qt.cpp:213 modules/services_discovery/mediadirs.c:70
#: modules/stream_out/chromecast/cast.cpp:106 modules/stream_out/es.c:102
#: modules/stream_out/transcode/transcode.c:153
#: share/lua/http/dialogs/create_stream.html:147
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:722 modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:726
msgid "Video"
msgstr "Video"
msgid "Video settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia videa"
msgid "General video settings"
msgstr "Všeobecné nastavenia videa"
msgid "General settings for video output modules."
msgstr "Všeobecné nastavenia pre moduly výstupu videa."
msgid "Video filters are used to process the video stream."
msgstr "Filtre videa sa používajú na úpravu streamov s videom."
msgid "Subtitles / OSD"
msgstr "Titulky / OSD"
"Settings related to On-Screen-Display, subtitles and \"overlay subpictures\""
"Rôzne nastavenia vzťahujúce sa k OSD ovládaniu, titulkom a k \"obrázkom "
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Splitters"
msgstr "Oddeľovač"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:89
msgid "Video splitters separate the stream into multiple videos."
msgstr ""
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:97
msgid "Input / Codecs"
msgstr "Vstup / Kodeky"
msgid "Settings for input, demultiplexing, decoding and encoding"
msgstr "Nastavenia vstupu, demultiplexovania, dekódovania a kódovania"
msgid "Access modules"
msgstr "Prístupové moduly"
"Settings related to the various access methods. Common settings you may want "
"to alter are HTTP proxy or caching settings."
"Toto sú nastavenia, ktoré sa vzťahujú k rôznym metódam prístupu. K "
"nastaveniam, ktoré treba častokrát zmeniť patria nastavenia HTTP proxy alebo "
"nastavenia ukladania do vyrovnávacej pamäte."
"Stream filters are special modules that allow advanced operations on the "
"input side of VLC. Use with care..."
"Filtre streamov sú špeciálne moduly, ktoré umožňujú vykonávať pokročilé "
"operácie na vstupe programu VLC. Nastavenia meňte veľmi obozretne..."
msgid "Demuxers"
msgid "Demuxers are used to separate audio and video streams."
msgstr "Demultiplexory sa používajú na oddelenie zvukových a obrazových stôp."
msgid "Video codecs"
msgid "Settings for the video, images or video+audio decoders and encoders."
msgstr "Nastavenia pre video, obrázky alebo dekodéry a kodéry videa a zvuku."
msgid "Audio codecs"
msgid "Settings for the audio-only decoders and encoders."
msgstr "Nastavenia dekodérov a kodérov len pre zvuk."
msgid "Subtitle codecs"
msgstr "Kodeky pre titulky"
msgid "Settings for subtitle, teletext and CC decoders and encoders."
msgstr "Nastavenia pre titulky, teletext a dekodéry či kodéry CC."
msgid "General input settings. Use with care..."
msgstr "Všeobecné nastavenia vstupu. Venujte im zvýšenú pozornosť..."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:127 src/libvlc-module.c:1944
msgid "Stream output"
msgid ""
"Stream output settings are used when acting as a streaming server or when "
"saving incoming streams.\n"
"Streams are first muxed and then sent through an \"access output\" module "
"that can either save the stream to a file, or stream it (UDP, HTTP, RTP/"
"Sout streams modules allow advanced stream processing (transcoding, "
msgstr ""
"Nastavenia výstupu streamu sa používajú vtedy, keď váš počítač vystupuje ako "
"streamovací server, alebo aj pri ukladaní prichádzajúcich streamov.\n"
"Streamy sú najskôr muxované a potom sa odosielajú pomocou modulu \"access "
"output\", ktorý ich dokáže buď ukladať do súboru, alebo odosielať ďalej "
"(streamovať) pomocou rôznych protokolov (UDP, HTTP, RTP/RTSP). \n"
"Dodatočné upravovanie streamov (prekódovanie, duplikovanie...) je možné "
"vykonávať vďaka modulom sout-streams."
msgid "General stream output settings"
msgid "Muxers"
msgid ""
"Muxers create the encapsulation formats that are used to put all the "
"elementary streams (video, audio, ...) together. This setting allows you to "
"always force a specific muxer. You should probably not do that.\n"
"You can also set default parameters for each muxer."
msgstr ""
"Multiplexory vytvárajú formáty, ktoré sa používajú na obsiahnutie všetkých "
"elementárnych streamov (video, zvuk, ...) dohromady. Toto nastavenie vám "
"umožňuje voľbu konkrétneho multiplexora, ktorý chcete použiť. Vo väčšine "
"prípadov nie je toto nastavenie používané. \n"
"Pre každý multiplexor môžete zadať jeho predvolené parametre."
msgid "Access output"
msgstr "Access output"
msgid ""
"Access output modules control the ways the muxed streams are sent. This "
"setting allows you to always force a specific access output method. You "
"should probably not do that.\n"
"You can also set default parameters for each access output."
msgstr ""
"Moduly s názvom Access output sa používajú na kontrolovanie ciest, ktorými "
"sú streamy odosielané. Nastavením týchto modulov si môžete napríklad určiť, "
"že sa pri odosielaní streamu bude používať len Vami určená metóda. Väčšinou "
"však nie sú takéto fixné nastavenia potrebné. \n"
"Pre každú metódu odosielania streamu môžete zadať aj predvolené nastavenia."
msgid "Packetizers"
msgstr "Paketizéry"
msgid ""
"Packetizers are used to \"preprocess\" the elementary streams before muxing. "
"This setting allows you to always force a packetizer. You should probably "
"not do that.\n"
"You can also set default parameters for each packetizer."
msgstr ""
"Paketizéry sa používajú na \"prvotnú úpravu\" elementárnych streamov pred "
"ich muxovaním. Pomocou tejto voľby si môžete použitie paketizéra vynútiť. Vo "
"väčšine prípadov to však nie je potrebné a nemali by ste si jeho použitie "
"vynucovať. \n"
"Pre každý paketizér môžete nastaviť aj predvolené parametre."
msgid "Sout stream"
msgstr "Sout stream"
msgid ""
"Sout stream modules allow to build a sout processing chain. Please refer to "
"the Streaming Howto for more information. You can configure default options "
"for each sout stream module here."
msgstr ""
"Moduly sout stream umožňujú vytváranie reťazcov pre spracovávanie sout. Ak "
"chcete získať viac informácií, prečítajte si prosím príručku Streaming "
"Howto. Tu môžete nastavovať predvolené možnosti pre každý modul sout-stream."
msgid "VOD"
msgstr "VOD"
msgid "VLC's implementation of Video On Demand"
msgstr "Implementácia funkcie videa na požiadanie (Video on Demand)"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:173 src/libvlc-module.c:2053
#: src/playlist/engine.c:233 modules/demux/playlist/playlist.c:64
#: modules/demux/playlist/playlist.c:65 modules/demux/playlist/wpl.c:99
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainWindow.m:296
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainWindow.m:863
#: modules/gui/qt/components/controller.hpp:109
#: modules/gui/qt/components/playlist/playlist.cpp:166
#: modules/gui/qt/components/playlist/selector.cpp:227
#: modules/gui/qt/dialogs/playlist.cpp:39 modules/gui/qt/menus.cpp:1117
msgid "Playlist"
msgstr "Playlist"
msgid ""
"Settings related to playlist behaviour (e.g. playback mode) and to modules "
"that automatically add items to the playlist (\"service discovery\" modules)."
msgstr ""
"Nastavenia vplývajúce na správanie sa playlistu (napr. v režime prehrávania) "
"a modulov, ktoré automaticky pridávajú do playlistu nové položky (moduly pre "
"\"zisťovanie služieb\")."
msgid "General playlist behaviour"
msgstr "Všeobecné nastavenia správania sa playlistu"
msgid "Services discovery"
msgstr "Zisťovacie moduly"
msgid ""
"Services discovery modules are facilities that automatically add items to "
msgstr ""
"Zisťovacie moduly pridávajú do programu VLC možnosť automatického pridávania "
"položiek do playlistu."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:184 src/libvlc-module.c:1844
#: modules/gui/qt/dialogs/extended.cpp:93
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1308
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Pokročilé"
msgid "Advanced settings. Use with care..."
msgstr "Pokročilé nastavenia. Ich zmene venujte zvýšenú pozornosť..."
msgid "Advanced settings"
msgstr "Pokročilé nastavenia"
msgid "&Open File..."
msgstr "&Otvoriť súbor..."
msgstr "Pokročilé otvár&anie..."
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:48
msgid "Open D&irectory..."
msgstr "Otvoriť pr&;iečinok..."
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:49
msgid "Open &Folder..."
msgid "Select one or more files to open"
msgstr "Vyberte jeden alebo viac súborov, ktoré chcete otvoriť"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:51
msgid "Select Directory"
msgstr "Vyberte si priečinok"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:51
msgid "Select Folder"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:55
msgid "Custom &Bookmarks"
msgstr "Zá&ložky používateľa"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:65 modules/control/oldrc.c:71
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCControlsBarCommon.m:64
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCControlsBarCommon.m:394
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:377 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:487
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:494 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:1324
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:1325 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:1326
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCPlaylist.m:230
#: modules/gui/qt/components/controller.hpp:107
#: modules/gui/qt/dialogs/vlm.cpp:539 modules/gui/qt/ui/open.h:261
msgid "Play"
msgstr "Prehrať"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:66
msgid "Remove Selected"
msgstr "Premenovať priečinok..."
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:71
msgid "Rename Folder..."
msgstr "Premenovať priečinok..."
msgid "Show Containing Directory..."
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:79 modules/gui/macosx/VLCCoreInteraction.m:447
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:391
msgid "Repeat All"
msgstr "Opakovať všetko"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:80 modules/gui/macosx/VLCCoreInteraction.m:467
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:390
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:81 src/libvlc-module.c:1423
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:389
#: modules/gui/qt/components/controller.hpp:111
#: modules/gui/qt/components/controller.hpp:124
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:82 modules/gui/macosx/VLCCoreInteraction.m:425
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:85 modules/gui/macosx/VLCPlaylist.m:237
msgstr "Pridať priečinok..."
msgstr "Uložiť playlist do &súboru..."
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:91 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainWindow.m:186
#: modules/gui/qt/components/preferences_widgets.cpp:1138
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:99
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:268
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1292
Christophe Mutricy
msgid ""
"<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; "
"charset=utf-8\" /></head><body><h2>Welcome to VLC media player Help</"
"h2><h3>Documentation</h3><p>You can find VLC documentation on VideoLAN's <a "
"href=\"\">wiki</a> website.</p><p>If you are a "
"newcomer to VLC media player, please read the<br><a href=\"http://wiki."
"\"><em>Introduction to VLC media "
"player</em></a>.</p><p>You will find some information on how to use the "
"player in the <br>\"<a href=\""
"Play_HowTo\"><em>How to play files with VLC media player</em></a>\" document."
"</p><p>For all the saving, converting, transcoding, encoding, muxing and "
"streaming tasks, you should find useful information in the <a href=\"http://"
"\">Streaming Documentation</"
"a>.</p><p>If you are unsure about terminology, please consult the <a href="
"\"\">knowledge base</a>.</p><p>To "
"understand the main keyboard shortcuts, read the <a href=\"http://wiki."
"\">shortcuts</a> page.</p><h3>Help</h3><p>Before asking "
"any question, please refer yourself to the <a href=\""
"support/faq.html\">FAQ</a>.</p><p>You might then get (and give) help on the "
"<a href=\"\">Forums</a>, the <a href=\"http://www."
"\">mailing-lists</a> or our IRC channel "
"(<em>#videolan</em> on</p><h3>Contribute to the project</"
"h3><p>You can help the VideoLAN project giving some of your time to help the "
"community, to design skins, to translate the documentation, to test and to "
"code. You can also give funds and material to help us. And of course, you "
"can <b>promote</b> VLC media player.</p></body></html>"
"<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; "
"charset=utf-8\" /></head><body><h2>Vitajte v pomocníkovi programu VLC</"
"h2><h3>Dokumentácia</h3><p>Dokumentáciu k programu VLC nájdete na <a href="
"\"\">wiki-</a>stránke tímu VideoLAN.</p><p>Ak ste "
"nováčikom a program VLC ešte nepoznáte, prečítajte si prosím<br><a href="
"\"\"><em>Úvod do "
"programu VLC media player</em></a>.</p><p>Niektoré informácie o použití "
"programu nájdete v dokumente <br>\"<a href=\""
"Documentation:Play_HowTo\"><em>Ako prehrávať súbory v programe VLC media "
"player</em></a>\".</p><p>Pre všetky úlohy, spojené s ukladaním, "
"konvertovaním, prekódovaním, kódovaním, muxovaním a streamovaním, nájdete "
"užitočné informácie v <a href=\""
"Streaming_HowTo\">Dokumentácii o streamovaní</a>.</p><p>Ak nerozumiete "
"nejakému pojmu, ktorý bol použitý, pozrite sa prosím do <a href=\"http://"
"\">Bázy znalostí</a>.</p><p>Na porozumenie "
"hlavným klávesovým skratkám si prečítajte stránku <a href=\"http://wiki."
"\">Klávesové skratky</a>.</p><h3>Pomocník</"
"h3><p>Predtým, než sa na niečo opýtate, prečítajte si prosím časť <a href="
"\"\">Najčastejšie kladené otázky "
"(FAQ)</a>.</p><p>Pomoc môžete získať takisto aj na <a href=\"http://forum."
"\">diskusných fórach</a>, v <a href=\""
"vlc/lists.html\">mailing-listoch</a> alebo na našom kanáli IRC "
"(<em>#videolan</em> on</p><h3>Prispievanie do projektu</"
"h3><p>Aj vy môžete pomôcť komunite vývojárov VideoLAN, vytvorením nových "
"vzhľadov, preložením dokumentácie, testovaním programu a programovaním. Ak "
"nám chcete pomôcť, tak nám taktiež môžete darovať peniaze alebo nejaký "
"materiál. A samozrejme môžete <b>robiť dobrú reklamu</b> programu VLC media "
msgid "Audio filtering failed"
msgstr "Filtrovanie zvuku sa nepodarilo"
#, c-format
msgid "The maximum number of filters (%u) was reached."
msgstr "Bol dosiahnutý maximálny počet filtrov (%u)."
#: src/audio_output/output.c:261 src/config/core.c:380 src/input/es_out.c:943
#: src/libvlc-module.c:544 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:234
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainWindow.m:999 modules/video_filter/postproc.c:235
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Zablokovať"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:264 modules/visualization/visual/visual.c:142
msgid "Spectrometer"
msgid "Scope"
msgid "Spectrum"
msgstr "Spektrum"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:273
#, fuzzy
msgid "VU meter"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:312 src/libvlc-module.c:201
msgid "Audio filters"
msgstr "Typ zosilnenia pri opakovanom prehrávaní"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:343 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:410
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:411
msgid "Stereo audio mode"
msgstr "Režim stereo"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:419
#, fuzzy
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Originálne ID"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:425 src/libvlc-module.c:197
msgid "Dolby Surround"
msgstr "Dolby Surround"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:430 src/libvlc-module.c:196
#: modules/access/alsa.c:38 modules/access/oss.c:64
#: modules/access/v4l2/v4l2.c:268 modules/audio_output/alsa.c:76
msgid "Stereo"
msgstr "Stereo"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:439 src/input/es_out.c:3226
#: src/libvlc-module.c:197 src/libvlc-module.c:295 src/libvlc-module.c:368
#: src/misc/actions.c:81 modules/audio_filter/channel_mixer/mono.c:89
#: modules/audio_filter/channel_mixer/remap.c:61 modules/codec/dvbsub.c:102
#: modules/codec/subsdec.c:167 modules/codec/zvbi.c:83
#: modules/control/gestures.c:85
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:204
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:277
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:299
#: modules/spu/audiobargraph_v.c:65 modules/spu/logo.c:80
#: modules/spu/marq.c:129 modules/spu/mosaic.c:170 modules/spu/rss.c:171
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1231
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1273
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1283
msgid "Left"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:442 src/libvlc-module.c:197
#: src/libvlc-module.c:295 src/libvlc-module.c:368 src/misc/actions.c:109
#: modules/audio_filter/channel_mixer/mono.c:89
#: modules/audio_filter/channel_mixer/remap.c:61 modules/codec/dvbsub.c:102
#: modules/codec/subsdec.c:167 modules/codec/zvbi.c:83
#: modules/control/gestures.c:85
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:205
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:279
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:301
#: modules/spu/audiobargraph_v.c:65 modules/spu/logo.c:80
#: modules/spu/marq.c:129 modules/spu/mosaic.c:170 modules/spu/rss.c:171
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1232
msgid "Right"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:446 src/libvlc-module.c:196
msgid "Reverse stereo"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:454 src/libvlc-module.c:198
#: modules/audio_filter/equalizer_presets.h:55
msgid "Headphones"
msgstr "Slúchadlá"
#: src/config/core.c:370 modules/access/dtv/access.c:91
#: modules/access/dtv/access.c:106 modules/access/dtv/access.c:115
#: modules/access/dtv/access.c:123 modules/access/dtv/access.c:132
#: modules/access/dtv/access.c:140 modules/access/dtv/access.c:162
#: modules/access/v4l2/v4l2.c:137 modules/gui/qt/components/open_panels.cpp:971
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automaticky"
msgstr "Na získanie úplného pomocníka použite príkaz '-H'."
msgid ""
"Usage: %s [options] [stream] ...\n"
"You can specify multiple streams on the commandline.\n"
"They will be enqueued in the playlist.\n"
"The first item specified will be played first.\n"
" --option A global option that is set for the duration of the program.\n"
" -option A single letter version of a global --option.\n"
" :option An option that only applies to the stream directly before it\n"
" and that overrides previous settings.\n"
"Stream MRL syntax:\n"
" [[access][/demux]://]URL[#[title][:chapter][-[title][:chapter]]]\n"
" [:option=value ...]\n"
" Many of the global --options can also be used as MRL specific :options.\n"
" Multiple :option=value pairs can be specified.\n"
"URL syntax:\n"
" file:///path/file Plain media file\n"
" http://host[:port]/file HTTP URL\n"
" ftp://host[:port]/file FTP URL\n"
" mms://host[:port]/file MMS URL\n"
" screen:// Screen capture\n"
" dvd://[device] DVD device\n"
" vcd://[device] VCD device\n"
" cdda://[device] Audio CD device\n"
" udp://[[<source address>]@[<bind address>][:<bind port>]]\n"
" UDP stream sent by a streaming server\n"
" vlc://pause:<seconds> Pause the playlist for a certain time\n"
" vlc://quit Special item to quit VLC\n"
msgstr ""
"Použitie: %s [možnosti] [stream] ...\n"
"Do príkazového riadka môžete zadať viacero streamov.\n"
"Tieto streamy sa zaradia do playlistu.\n"
"Položka, ktorá bola zadaná do playlistu najskôr, sa prehrá ako prvá.\n"
"--option globálne nastavenie, ktoré sa bude používať počas trvania spustenia "
"-option jednopísmenová verzia príkazu --option.\n"
":option aplikuje sa na stream až tesne pred jeho prehrávaním it\n"
"a zároveň potlačí predchádzajúce nastavenia .\n"
"[:option=value ...]\n"
"Viaceré globálne --options sa dá používať aj ako špecifická MRL :options.\n"
"Viacnásobné páry :option=hodnotu možno špecifikovať.\n"
"URL syntax:\n"
"file:///path/file Čistý mediálny súbor\n"
"http://host[:port]/file HTTP URL\n"
"ftp://host[:port]/file FTP URL\n"
"mms://host[:port]/file MMS URL\n"
"screen:// Snímka obrazovky\n"
"dvd://[device] DVD jednotka\n"
"vcd://[device] VCD jednotka\n"
"cdda://[device] Audio CD jednotka\n"
"udp://[[<adresa zdroja>]@[<adresa prepojenia>][:<port prepojenia>]]\n"
"UDP stream odosielaný streamovacím serverom\n"
"vlc://pause:<počet sekúnd> Pozastavenie playlistu na určitý čas\n"
"vlc://quit Špeciálna položka na ukončenie programu VLC\n"
#: src/config/help.c:490
#, fuzzy
msgid "(default enabled)"
msgstr " (predvolene: zapnuté)"
#: src/config/help.c:491
#, fuzzy
msgid "(default disabled)"
msgstr " (predvolene: vypnuté)"
msgid "add --advanced to your command line to see advanced options."
msgstr ""
"Na zobrazenie pokročilých možností pridajte do príkazového riadka parameter "
msgid "%u module was not displayed because it only has advanced options.\n"
msgid_plural ""
"%u modules were not displayed because they only have advanced options.\n"
msgstr[0] ""
"%u modul sa nezobrazil, pretože obsahuje iba pokročilé nastavenia.\n"
msgstr[1] ""
"%u moduly sa nezobrazili, pretože obsahujú iba pokročilé nastavenia.\n"
msgstr[2] ""
"Nezobrazilo sa %u modulov, pretože obsahujú iba pokročilé možnosti.\n"
msgid ""
"No matching module found. Use --list or --list-verbose to list available "
msgstr ""
"Nenašiel sa žiadny zodpovedajúci modul. Použite príkaz --list alebo --list-"
"verbose na zobrazenie zoznamu dostupných modulov."
#, c-format
msgid "VLC version %s (%s)\n"
msgstr "Verzia VLC %s (%s)\n"
#, c-format
msgid "Compiled by %s on %s (%s)\n"
msgstr "Skompiloval: %s on %s (%s)\n"
#, c-format
msgid "Compiler: %s\n"
msgstr "Kompilátor: %s\n"
msgid ""
"Dumped content to vlc-help.txt file.\n"
msgstr ""
"Vypísaný obsah sa uloží do súboru vlc-help.txt.\n"
msgid ""
"Press the RETURN key to continue...\n"
msgstr ""
"Ak chcete pokračovať, stlačte ENTER... \n"
#: src/darwin/error.c:37
msgid "Unknown error"
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark %i"
msgstr "Záložka %i"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1875
msgid "No description for this codec"
msgstr "Žiadny popis pre tento kodek"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1877
msgid "Codec not supported"
msgstr "Kodek nie je podporovaný"
msgid "VLC could not decode the format \"%4.4s\" (%s)"
msgstr "VLC nemôže dekódovať formát \"%4.4s\" (%s)"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1882
msgid "Unidentified codec"
msgstr "Neidentifikovaný kodek"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1883
msgid "VLC could not identify the audio or video codec"
msgstr "Program VLC nemohol identifikovať kodek pre zvuk alebo obraz"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1894
msgid "packetizer"
msgstr "paketizér"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1894
msgid "decoder"
msgstr "dekodér"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1902 src/input/decoder.c:2183
#: modules/codec/avcodec/encoder.c:368 modules/codec/avcodec/encoder.c:885
#: modules/stream_out/es.c:349 modules/stream_out/es.c:362
msgid "Streaming / Transcoding failed"
msgstr "Streamovanie / prekódovanie sa nepodarilo"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1903
#, c-format
msgid "VLC could not open the %s module."
msgstr "Program VLC nemohol otvoriť modul %s."
#: src/input/decoder.c:2184
msgid "VLC could not open the decoder module."
msgstr "Program VLC nemohol otvoriť modul dekodéra."
#: src/input/es_out.c:963 src/input/es_out.c:968 src/libvlc-module.c:239
#: src/input/es_out.c:1185
#, c-format
msgid "%s [%s %d]"
msgstr "%s [%s %d]"
#: src/input/es_out.c:1186 src/input/es_out.c:1191 src/input/es_out.c:1206
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:397 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:398
msgid "Program"
msgstr "Program"
#: src/input/es_out.c:1216
#, c-format
msgid "Stream %d"
msgstr "Stream %d"
#: src/input/es_out.c:1468 src/input/es_out.c:1470
msgid "Scrambled"
msgstr "Kódované"
#: src/input/es_out.c:1468 modules/keystore/keychain.m:40
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DTVCC Closed captions %u"
msgstr "Uzatvorené kapitoly %u"
#, c-format
msgid "Closed captions %u"
msgstr "Uzatvorené kapitoly %u"