# Norwegian Nynorsk translation
# Copyright (C) 2017 VideoLAN
# This file is distributed under the same license as the VLC package.
# Translators:
# Bjørn I. <>, 2015-2017
# Copyright (C) Eirik U. Birkeland <>, 2009
# Copyright (C) Jon Stødle <>, 2009
# Eirik U. Birkeland <>, 2009-2010
# Imre Kristoffer Eilertsen <>, 2016-2017
"Project-Id-Version: VLC - Trans\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-05 20:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Bjørn I. <>\n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian Nynorsk ("
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
msgid ""
"This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n"
"You may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License;\n"
"see the file named COPYING for details.\n"
"Written by the VideoLAN team; see the AUTHORS file.\n"
msgstr ""
"Det er INGEN GARANTI for dette programmet utover det som står i lova.\n"
"Du kan fritt endra og distribuera det vidare viss du følgjer vilkåra i\n"
"GNU General Public License – sjå fila «COPYING».\n"
"Programmet er utvikla av VideoLAN-gruppa – sjå fila «AUTHORS».\n"
msgid "VLC preferences"
msgstr "VLC-innstillingar"
msgid "Select \"Advanced Options\" to see all options."
msgstr "Vel «Avanserte innstillingar» for å sjå alle vala|."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:38
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:220
#: modules/gui/qt/components/simple_preferences.cpp:222
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Grensesnitt"
msgid "Settings for VLC's interfaces"
msgstr "Innstillingar for VLC-grensesnittet"
msgid "Main interfaces settings"
msgstr "Innstillingar for hovudgrensesnitt"
msgid "Main interfaces"
msgstr "Hovudgrensesnitt"
msgid "Settings for the main interface"
msgstr "Innstillingar for hovudgrensesnittet"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:46 src/libvlc-module.c:81
msgid "Control interfaces"
msgstr "Kontrollgrensesnitt"
msgid "Settings for VLC's control interfaces"
msgstr "Innstillingar for kontrollgrensesnitta i VLC"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:49 include/vlc_config_cat.h:50
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:230
msgid "Hotkeys settings"
msgstr "Innstillingar for snøggtastar"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:53 src/input/es_out.c:3085 src/libvlc-module.c:1486
#: modules/access/imem.c:64
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCConvertAndSaveWindowController.m:171
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:404 modules/gui/macosx/VLCOutput.m:92
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCPlaylistInfo.m:101
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:222
#: modules/gui/qt/components/info_panels.cpp:572
#: modules/gui/qt/components/simple_preferences.cpp:224
#: modules/gui/qt/qt.cpp:213 modules/services_discovery/mediadirs.c:77
#: modules/stream_out/es.c:94 modules/stream_out/transcode/transcode.c:182
#: share/lua/http/dialogs/create_stream.html:150
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:721 modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:752
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "Lyd"
msgid "General audio settings"
msgstr "Generelle lydinnstillingar"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:58 include/vlc_config_cat.h:81
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:750 modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:760
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "Filter"
msgid "Audio filters are used to process the audio stream."
msgstr "Lydfilter vert brukte til handsaming av lydstraumen."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:61 src/libvlc-module.c:166
msgid "Audio resampler"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:63 src/audio_output/output.c:258
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:414 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:415
msgid "Visualizations"
msgstr "Visualiseringar"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:64 src/audio_output/output.c:319
#: src/libvlc-module.c:206
msgid "Audio visualizations"
msgstr "Lydvisualiseringar"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:66 include/vlc_config_cat.h:78
msgid "General settings for audio output modules."
msgstr "Generelle innstillingar for lyd ut-modular."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:69 src/libvlc-module.c:2009
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:183
#: modules/stream_out/transcode/transcode.c:211
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Ymse"
msgid "Miscellaneous audio settings and modules."
msgstr "Ymse lydinnstillingar og modular."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:73 src/input/es_out.c:3129 src/libvlc-module.c:142
#: src/libvlc-module.c:1545 modules/access/imem.c:64
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCConvertAndSaveWindowController.m:160
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:417 modules/gui/macosx/VLCOutput.m:82
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCPlaylistInfo.m:91
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:224
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:367
#: modules/gui/qt/components/info_panels.cpp:573
#: modules/gui/qt/components/simple_preferences.cpp:226
#: modules/gui/qt/qt.cpp:213 modules/services_discovery/mediadirs.c:70
#: modules/stream_out/chromecast/cast.cpp:106 modules/stream_out/es.c:102
#: modules/stream_out/transcode/transcode.c:153
#: share/lua/http/dialogs/create_stream.html:147
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:722 modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:726
msgid "Video"
msgstr "Video"
msgid "Video settings"
msgstr "Videoinnstillingar"
msgid "General video settings"
msgstr "Generelle videoinnstillingar"
msgid "General settings for video output modules."
msgstr "Generelle innstillingar for video ut-modular."
msgid "Video filters are used to process the video stream."
msgstr "Videofilter vert brukte til å behandla videostraumen."
msgid ""
"Settings related to On-Screen-Display, subtitles and \"overlay subpictures\""
msgstr ""
"Innstillingar for skjermvisning, undertekstar og «overlagde underbilde»"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Splitters"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:89
msgid "Video splitters separate the stream into multiple videos."
msgstr ""
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:97
msgid "Input / Codecs"
msgstr "Inndata/kodekar"
msgid "Settings for input, demultiplexing, decoding and encoding"
msgstr "Innstillingar for inndata, demultipleksing, avkoding og koding"
msgid "Access modules"
msgstr "Tilgangsmodular"
msgid ""
"Settings related to the various access methods. Common settings you may want "
"to alter are HTTP proxy or caching settings."
msgstr ""
"Innstillingar for dei ulike tilgangsmetodane. Vanlege innstillingar å endra "
"er dei for HTTP-mellomtenaren og mellomlageret."
msgid "Stream filters"
msgstr "Straumfilter"
msgid ""
"Stream filters are special modules that allow advanced operations on the "
"input side of VLC. Use with care..."
msgstr ""
"Straumfilter er spesielle modular som lèt deg gjera avanserte operasjonar på "
"inndatasida av VLC. Bruk dei med varsemd …"
msgid "Demuxers are used to separate audio and video streams."
msgstr "Demultipleksararar vert brukte til å skilja lyd- og videostraumar."
msgid "Video codecs"
msgstr "Videokodekar"
msgid "Settings for the video, images or video+audio decoders and encoders."
msgstr "Innstillingar videoen, bilde eller video+audio-dekodarar og kodarar."
msgid "Audio codecs"
msgstr "Lydkodekar"
msgid "Settings for the audio-only decoders and encoders."
msgstr ""
"Innstillingar for dei dekodarane og kodarane som berre vert brukte til lyd."
msgid "Settings for subtitle, teletext and CC decoders and encoders."
msgstr "Innstillingar for undertekst, tekst-TV og CC-dekodarar og kodarar."
msgid "General input settings. Use with care..."
msgstr "Generelle inndata-innstillingar. Bruk dei med varsemd…"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:127 src/libvlc-module.c:1944
msgid ""
"Stream output settings are used when acting as a streaming server or when "
"saving incoming streams.\n"
"Streams are first muxed and then sent through an \"access output\" module "
"that can either save the stream to a file, or stream it (UDP, HTTP, RTP/"
"Sout streams modules allow advanced stream processing (transcoding, "
msgstr ""
"Straumutdatainnstillingane vert brukte når programmet vert brukt straumtenar "
"eller under lagring av innkommande straumar.\n"
"Straumar vert først multipleksa og deretter sende gjennom ein modul for "
"utdatatilgang som kan lagra straumen til ei fil eller strøyme han (UDP, "
"Soutstraummodular tillèt avansert straumhandsaming (transkoding, duplisering "
msgid "General stream output settings"
msgstr "Generelle innstillingar for straumutdata"
msgid "Muxers"
msgstr "Multipleksarar"
msgid ""
"Muxers create the encapsulation formats that are used to put all the "
"elementary streams (video, audio, ...) together. This setting allows you to "
"always force a specific muxer. You should probably not do that.\n"
"You can also set default parameters for each muxer."
msgstr ""
"Multipleksarar lagar innkapslingsformata som vert brukte til å slå alle dei "
"elementære straumane (lyd, video osb.) saman. Denne innstillinga lèt deg "
"velja ein standardmultipleksar. Du bør truleg ikkje gjera det.\n"
"Du kan òg velja standardparametrar for kvar multipleksar."
msgid "Access output"
msgstr "Tilgangsutdata"
msgid ""
"Access output modules control the ways the muxed streams are sent. This "
"setting allows you to always force a specific access output method. You "
"should probably not do that.\n"
"You can also set default parameters for each access output."
msgstr ""
"Modulane for tilgangsutdata kontrollerer måtane dei «muksa» straumane vert "
"sende på. Denne innstillinga lèt deg velja ein standardmetode for "
"tilgangsudata. Du bør truleg ikkje gjera det.\n"
"Du kan òg velja standardparametrar for ulike tilgangsutdata."
msgid "Packetizers"
msgstr "Førpakkarar"
msgid ""
"Packetizers are used to \"preprocess\" the elementary streams before muxing. "
"This setting allows you to always force a packetizer. You should probably "
"not do that.\n"
"You can also set default parameters for each packetizer."
msgstr ""
"Førpakkarane vert brukte til å «førehandshandsame» dei elementære straumane "
"før «muksinga». Denne innstillinga lèt deg velja ein standardførpakkar. Du "
"bør truleg ikkje gjera det.\n"
"Du kan òg velja standardparametrar for kvar førpakkar."
msgid "Sout stream"
msgstr "Soutstraum"
msgid ""
"Sout stream modules allow to build a sout processing chain. Please refer to "
"the Streaming Howto for more information. You can configure default options "
"for each sout stream module here."
msgstr ""
"Soutstraummodular lèt deg byggja ei southandsamingskjede. Sjå rettleiinga "
"for direkteoverføring («Streaming Howto») på Internett for meir informasjon. "
"Du kan velja standardval for kvar soutstraummodul her."
msgid "VOD"
msgstr "VOD"
msgid "VLC's implementation of Video On Demand"
msgstr "VLC sitt grensesnitt for videotorg (VOD)"
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:173 src/libvlc-module.c:2053
#: src/playlist/engine.c:233 modules/demux/playlist/playlist.c:64
#: modules/demux/playlist/playlist.c:65 modules/demux/playlist/wpl.c:99
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainWindow.m:296
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainWindow.m:863
#: modules/gui/qt/components/controller.hpp:109
#: modules/gui/qt/components/playlist/playlist.cpp:166
#: modules/gui/qt/components/playlist/selector.cpp:227
#: modules/gui/qt/dialogs/playlist.cpp:39 modules/gui/qt/menus.cpp:1117
msgid "Playlist"
msgstr "Speleliste"
msgid ""
"Settings related to playlist behaviour (e.g. playback mode) and to modules "
"that automatically add items to the playlist (\"service discovery\" modules)."
msgstr ""
"Innstillingar kring åtferda til spelelista (f.eks. avspelingsmodus) og "
"modular som automatisk legg til element i spelelista (modular for automatisk "
msgid "General playlist behaviour"
msgstr "Generell spelelisteåtferd"
msgid "Services discovery"
msgstr "Automatisk oppdaging"
msgid ""
"Services discovery modules are facilities that automatically add items to "
msgstr ""
"Modular for automatisk oppdaging legg automatisk til element i spelelista."
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:184 src/libvlc-module.c:1844
#: modules/gui/qt/dialogs/extended.cpp:93
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1308
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avansert"
msgid "Advanced settings. Use with care..."
msgstr "Avanserte innstillingar. Bruk med varsemd …"
msgid "Advanced settings"
msgstr "Avanserte innstillingar"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:46
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:47
msgid "&Advanced Open..."
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:48
msgid "Open D&irectory..."
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:49
msgid "Open &Folder..."
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:50
msgid "Select one or more files to open"
msgstr "Vel éi eller fleire filer som skal opnast"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:51
msgid "Select Directory"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:51
msgid "Select Folder"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:55
msgid "Media &Information"
msgstr "Medie&informasjon"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:56
msgid "&Codec Information"
msgstr "&Kodekinformasjon"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:57
msgid "&Messages"
msgstr "&Meldingar"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:58
msgid "Jump to Specific &Time"
msgstr "Hopp til eit visst &tidspunkt"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:60
msgid "&VLM Configuration"
msgstr "&VLM-oppsett"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:62
msgid "&About"
msgstr "&Om"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:65 modules/control/oldrc.c:71
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCControlsBarCommon.m:64
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCControlsBarCommon.m:394
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:377 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:487
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:494 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:1324
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:1325 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:1326
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCPlaylist.m:230
#: modules/gui/qt/components/controller.hpp:107
#: modules/gui/qt/dialogs/vlm.cpp:539 modules/gui/qt/ui/open.h:261
msgid "Play"
msgstr "Spel av"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:66
msgid "Remove Selected"
msgid "Create Directory..."
msgid "Create Folder..."
msgstr "Endra namn på katalog…"
msgstr "Endra namn på mappe…"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:72
msgid "Show Containing Directory..."
msgstr "Vis innhaldskatalog…"
msgid "Show Containing Folder..."
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:79 modules/gui/macosx/VLCCoreInteraction.m:447
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:391
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:80 modules/gui/macosx/VLCCoreInteraction.m:467
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:390
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:81 src/libvlc-module.c:1423
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:389
#: modules/gui/qt/components/controller.hpp:111
#: modules/gui/qt/components/controller.hpp:124
msgid "Random"
msgstr "Tilfeldig"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:82 modules/gui/macosx/VLCCoreInteraction.m:425
msgid "Add to Playlist"
msgstr "Legg til i speleliste"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:85 modules/gui/macosx/VLCPlaylist.m:237
msgid "Add Directory..."
msgid "Save Playlist to &File..."
msgstr "Lagra spelelista til &fil …"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:91 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainWindow.m:186
#: modules/gui/qt/components/preferences_widgets.cpp:1138
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Søk"
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:99
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:268
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1292
msgid "Waves"
msgstr "Bølgjer"
msgid ""
"<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; "
"charset=utf-8\" /></head><body><h2>Welcome to VLC media player Help</"
"h2><h3>Documentation</h3><p>You can find VLC documentation on VideoLAN's <a "
"href=\"\">wiki</a> website.</p><p>If you are a "
"newcomer to VLC media player, please read the<br><a href=\"http://wiki."
"\"><em>Introduction to VLC media "
"player</em></a>.</p><p>You will find some information on how to use the "
"player in the <br>\"<a href=\""
"Play_HowTo\"><em>How to play files with VLC media player</em></a>\" document."
"</p><p>For all the saving, converting, transcoding, encoding, muxing and "
"streaming tasks, you should find useful information in the <a href=\"http://"
"\">Streaming Documentation</"
"a>.</p><p>If you are unsure about terminology, please consult the <a href="
"\"\">knowledge base</a>.</p><p>To "
"understand the main keyboard shortcuts, read the <a href=\"http://wiki."
"\">shortcuts</a> page.</p><h3>Help</h3><p>Before asking "
"any question, please refer yourself to the <a href=\""
"support/faq.html\">FAQ</a>.</p><p>You might then get (and give) help on the "
"<a href=\"\">Forums</a>, the <a href=\"http://www."
"\">mailing-lists</a> or our IRC channel "
"(<em>#videolan</em> on</p><h3>Contribute to the project</"
"h3><p>You can help the VideoLAN project giving some of your time to help the "
"community, to design skins, to translate the documentation, to test and to "
"code. You can also give funds and material to help us. And of course, you "
"can <b>promote</b> VLC media player.</p></body></html>"
msgstr ""
"<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; "
"charset=utf-8\" /></head><body><h2>Velkomen til hjelp for VLC mediaspelar</"
"h2><h3>Dokumentasjon</h3><p>Du finn VLC-dokumentasjonen på <a href=\"http://"
"\">wikinettstaden</a> til VideoLAN.</p><p>Viss du nett har "
"byrja å bruka VLC mediespelar, les <br><a href=\""
"Documentation:VLC_for_dummies\"><em>introduksjonen</em></a>.</p><p>Du finn "
"noko informasjon om korleis du brukar spelaren under <br>«<a href=\"http://"
"\"><em>Korleis spela av filer i "
"VLC mediespelar</em></a>».</p><p>For alle lagrings-, konverterings-, "
"transkodings-, kodings-, muksings-, og strøymingsoppgåvene, kan du finna "
"nyttig informasjon i <a href=\""
"Streaming_HowTo\">strøymingsdokumentasjonen</a>.</p><p>Viss du er "
"terminologien, kan du sjå i <a href=\""
"\">kunnskapsbasen</a>.</p><p>For å læra deg hovudsnøggtastane, kan du lesa "
"sida «<a href=\"\">Snøggtastar</a>».</"
"p><h3>Hjelp</h3><p>Før du spør, kan du gjerne lesa <a href=\"http://www."
"\">spørsmål og svar</a>.</p><p> Du kan deretter "
"få (og gje) hjelp i <a href=\"\">forumet</a>, på <a "
"href=\"\">e-postlistene</a> eller på "
"IRC-kanalen vår (<em>#videolan</em> på</p><h3>Bidra til "
"prosjektet</h3><p>Du kan hjelpa VideoLAN-prosjektet ved å gje litt av tida "
"di til brukargruppa, til å utforme drakter, til å omsetje dokumentasjon, til "
"å testa og til å programmera. Du kan òg donera pengar og materiale for å "
"hjelpa oss. Og sjølvsagt kan du <b>reklamera</b> for VLC mediaspelar.</p></"
msgstr "Klarte ikkje å filtrera lyden"
msgid "The maximum number of filters (%u) was reached."
msgstr "Maks. tal på filter (%u) er nådd."
#: src/audio_output/output.c:261 src/config/core.c:380 src/input/es_out.c:943
#: src/libvlc-module.c:544 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:234
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainWindow.m:999 modules/video_filter/postproc.c:235
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Slå av"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:264 modules/visualization/visual/visual.c:142
msgid "Spectrometer"
msgstr "Lysmålar"
msgid "Scope"
msgstr "Rammeområde"
msgid "Spectrum"
msgstr "Spekter"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:273
#, fuzzy
msgid "VU meter"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:312 src/libvlc-module.c:201
msgid "Audio filters"
msgstr "Lydfilter"
msgstr "Omspelingsforsterking"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:343 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:410
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:411
#: src/audio_output/output.c:419
#, fuzzy
msgid "Original"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:425 src/libvlc-module.c:197
msgid "Dolby Surround"
msgstr "Dolby Surround"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:430 src/libvlc-module.c:196
#: modules/access/alsa.c:38 modules/access/oss.c:64
#: modules/access/v4l2/v4l2.c:268 modules/audio_output/alsa.c:76
msgid "Stereo"
msgstr "Stereo"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:439 src/input/es_out.c:3226
#: src/libvlc-module.c:197 src/libvlc-module.c:295 src/libvlc-module.c:368
#: src/misc/actions.c:81 modules/audio_filter/channel_mixer/mono.c:89
#: modules/audio_filter/channel_mixer/remap.c:61 modules/codec/dvbsub.c:102
#: modules/codec/subsdec.c:167 modules/codec/zvbi.c:83
#: modules/control/gestures.c:85
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:204
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:277
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:299
#: modules/spu/audiobargraph_v.c:65 modules/spu/logo.c:80
#: modules/spu/marq.c:129 modules/spu/mosaic.c:170 modules/spu/rss.c:171
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1231
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1273
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1283
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Venstre"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:442 src/libvlc-module.c:197
#: src/libvlc-module.c:295 src/libvlc-module.c:368 src/misc/actions.c:109
#: modules/audio_filter/channel_mixer/mono.c:89
#: modules/audio_filter/channel_mixer/remap.c:61 modules/codec/dvbsub.c:102
#: modules/codec/subsdec.c:167 modules/codec/zvbi.c:83
#: modules/control/gestures.c:85
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:205
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:279
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCVideoEffectsWindowController.m:301
#: modules/spu/audiobargraph_v.c:65 modules/spu/logo.c:80
#: modules/spu/marq.c:129 modules/spu/mosaic.c:170 modules/spu/rss.c:171
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/video_effects.h:1232
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Høgre"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:446 src/libvlc-module.c:196
msgid "Reverse stereo"
msgstr "Omvend stereo"
#: src/audio_output/output.c:454 src/libvlc-module.c:198
#: modules/audio_filter/equalizer_presets.h:55
msgid "Headphones"
#: src/config/core.c:370 modules/access/dtv/access.c:91
#: modules/access/dtv/access.c:106 modules/access/dtv/access.c:115
#: modules/access/dtv/access.c:123 modules/access/dtv/access.c:132
#: modules/access/dtv/access.c:140 modules/access/dtv/access.c:162
#: modules/access/v4l2/v4l2.c:137 modules/gui/qt/components/open_panels.cpp:971
msgid "boolean"
msgstr "boolsk"
msgid "integer"
msgstr "heiltal"
msgid "float"
msgstr "desimaltal"
msgid "string"
msgstr "tekst"
msgid "To get exhaustive help, use '-H'."
msgstr "For å få inngåande hjelp, bruk «-H»."
msgid ""
"Usage: %s [options] [stream] ...\n"
"You can specify multiple streams on the commandline.\n"
"They will be enqueued in the playlist.\n"
"The first item specified will be played first.\n"
" --option A global option that is set for the duration of the program.\n"
" -option A single letter version of a global --option.\n"
" :option An option that only applies to the stream directly before it\n"
" and that overrides previous settings.\n"
"Stream MRL syntax:\n"
" [[access][/demux]://]URL[#[title][:chapter][-[title][:chapter]]]\n"
" [:option=value ...]\n"
" Many of the global --options can also be used as MRL specific :options.\n"
" Multiple :option=value pairs can be specified.\n"
"URL syntax:\n"
" file:///path/file Plain media file\n"
" http://host[:port]/file HTTP URL\n"
" ftp://host[:port]/file FTP URL\n"
" mms://host[:port]/file MMS URL\n"
" screen:// Screen capture\n"
" dvd://[device] DVD device\n"
" vcd://[device] VCD device\n"
" cdda://[device] Audio CD device\n"
" udp://[[<source address>]@[<bind address>][:<bind port>]]\n"
" UDP stream sent by a streaming server\n"
" vlc://pause:<seconds> Pause the playlist for a certain time\n"
" vlc://quit Special item to quit VLC\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/config/help.c:490
#, fuzzy
msgid "(default enabled)"
msgstr " (standard slått på)"
#: src/config/help.c:491
#, fuzzy
msgid "(default disabled)"
msgstr " (standard slått av)"
msgid "add --advanced to your command line to see advanced options."
msgstr "legg til «--advanced» på kommandolinja for å sjå avanserte val."
msgid "%u module was not displayed because it only has advanced options.\n"
msgid_plural ""
"%u modules were not displayed because they only have advanced options.\n"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid ""
"No matching module found. Use --list or --list-verbose to list available "
msgstr ""
"Fann ingen modular. Bruk «--list» eller «--list-verbose» for å lista opp "
"tilgjengelege modular."
msgstr "VLC-versjon %s (%s)\n"
msgstr "Sett saman av %s på %s (%s)\n"
#, c-format
msgid "Compiler: %s\n"
msgstr "Kompileringsprogram: %s\n"
msgid ""
"Dumped content to vlc-help.txt file.\n"
msgstr ""
"Dumpa innhald til fila «vlc-help.txt».\n"
msgid ""
"Press the RETURN key to continue...\n"
msgstr ""
"Trykk «Enter» for å halda fram …\n"
#: src/darwin/error.c:37
msgid "Unknown error"
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark %i"
msgstr "Bokmerke %i"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1875
msgid "No description for this codec"
msgstr "Inga skildring for denne kodeken"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1877
msgid "Codec not supported"
msgid "VLC could not decode the format \"%4.4s\" (%s)"
msgstr "VLC klarte ikkje å dekoda formatet \"%4.4s\" (%s)"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1882
msgid "Unidentified codec"
msgstr "Uidentifisert kodek"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1883
msgid "VLC could not identify the audio or video codec"
msgstr "VLC klarte ikkje å kjenna att lyd- eller video-kodeken"
#: src/input/decoder.c:1902 src/input/decoder.c:2183
#: modules/codec/avcodec/encoder.c:368 modules/codec/avcodec/encoder.c:885
#: modules/stream_out/es.c:349 modules/stream_out/es.c:362
msgstr "Strøyminga/Transkodinga var mislukka"
msgstr "VLC klarte ikkje å opna %s-modulen."
msgid "VLC could not open the decoder module."
msgstr "VLC klarte ikkje å opna dekodarmodulen."
#: src/input/es_out.c:963 src/input/es_out.c:968 src/libvlc-module.c:239
#, c-format
msgid "%s [%s %d]"
msgstr "%s [%s %d]"
#: src/input/es_out.c:1186 src/input/es_out.c:1191 src/input/es_out.c:1206
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:397 modules/gui/macosx/VLCMainMenu.m:398
#: src/input/es_out.c:1216
#, c-format
msgid "Stream %d"
msgstr "Straum %d"
#: src/input/es_out.c:1468 src/input/es_out.c:1470
#: src/input/es_out.c:1468 modules/keystore/keychain.m:40
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DTVCC Closed captions %u"
#: src/input/es_out.c:3069 src/input/es_out.c:3072 modules/access/imem.c:67
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCConvertAndSaveWindowController.m:162
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCConvertAndSaveWindowController.m:173
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:728 modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:754
#: modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:763
#: src/input/es_out.c:3076 src/input/meta.c:66 modules/access/imem.c:71
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCPlaylist.m:114
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCSimplePrefsController.m:304
#: modules/stream_out/setid.c:49 modules/gui/qt/ui/sprefs_interface.h:529
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCBookmarksWindowController.m:83
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCPlaylist.m:112 modules/gui/qt/dialogs/bookmarks.cpp:75
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Skildring"
#: src/input/es_out.c:3085 src/input/es_out.c:3129 src/input/es_out.c:3318
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCAddonsWindowController.m:132
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCConvertAndSaveWindowController.m:185
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCOutput.m:75 modules/gui/qt/dialogs/plugins.cpp:1487
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
#: src/input/es_out.c:3088
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCConvertAndSaveWindowController.m:175
#: modules/gui/macosx/VLCOutput.m:98 modules/gui/qt/ui/profiles.h:756
#: src/input/es_out.c:3093 modules/access/alsa.c:39 modules/access/imem.c:75
#: modules/audio_output/amem.c:45 modules/codec/fluidsynth.c:64