chromecast spu subtitles support
** Direct mux of subtitles into media ?
WebVTT seems the only option if we want to use mkv.
- WebVTT can only be muxed (using old deprecated mapping) into Webm by ffmpeg
- Webm ffmpeg mux makes VP8/9 codec and vorbis mandatory
Chromecast does not seem to "see" the embedded webvtt track. Maybe it needs to "enable" that track using a dedicated command.
"Your subtitle resources must implement CORS." So it seems all subtitles are split file.
** Side loaded subtitles ?
- We need the "command"
- There's no guarantee the chromecast does not expects a complete file when accessing it. (and the way WebVTT uses timestamps tends to make this mandatory)
We would need to extract/transcode all subtitles first.
The only option in that case seems to provide subtitles in segments (HLS, ...), which probably the whole media to be adaptive.
** Burn in subtitles ?
- Makes transcoding mandatory
Edited by François Cartegnie