- Mar 20, 2019
1. code can be shared between access/srt.c and access_output/srt.c 2. created a URL parser for SRT parameters stored in URL Signed-off-by:
Thomas Guillem <thomas@gllm.fr>
Steve Lhomme authored
It's not available and won't be used. But the build fails if it's not detected.
Steve Lhomme authored
Steve Lhomme authored
The fix was missing from sock.c
Steve Lhomme authored
DeviceIoControl and all the IOCTL_CDROM_xxx we use are not available
Steve Lhomme authored
Needs dvdread which is not available.
Steve Lhomme authored
uses LoadLibraryEx and LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH which are not available (even in winstorecompat) uses SetErrorMode and LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH which are only available in 16299
Steve Lhomme authored
uses LoadLibraryA which is not available uses GetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx, SetThreadGroupAffinity, GetNumaHighestNodeNumber which are not available uses GetStdHandle (which is available since 16299) uses GetConsoleMode, WriteConsoleW (which are available since 17134)
Steve Lhomme authored
depends on sdl which is not usable
Steve Lhomme authored
uses GetVersionEx and SetErrorMode (which are available since 16299) uses GetDC, ReleaseDC, RealizePalette, CreateCompatibleBitmap, SetWindowLongPtr, DefWindowProc, ClientToScreen which are not available
Steve Lhomme authored
uses winscard API which is not available
Steve Lhomme authored
uses OpenGL. Once it uses Angle and/or Vulkan it may be usable.
Steve Lhomme authored
uses AllocConsole, GetConsoleCursorInfo, SetConsoleCursorInfo, SetConsoleMode, CreateConsoleScreenBuffer, SetConsoleScreenBufferSize, SetConsoleWindowInfo, SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer, SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer, SetConsoleTextAttribute, SetConsoleTitle, WriteConsoleOutputW, GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents, ReadConsoleInput and GetStdHandle (which are now available)
Steve Lhomme authored
uses SetThreadAffinityMask (which is now available) uses LoadLibraryExW which should be remapped to another call (or not used at all) uses GetWindowsDirectoryW which is not available uses SetDllDirectoryW which is not available uses RegOpenKeyExW, RegQueryValueExW, RegEnumValueW and RegCloseKey which are not available uses GetModuleHandleEx which is not available uses GetDC and ReleaseDC which are not available uses EnumFontFamiliesExW which is not available
Steve Lhomme authored
uses OpenGL which is not available
Steve Lhomme authored
uses GetLocaleInfo (which is now available) uses EnumSystemLocales which is not available (but EnumSystemLocalesEx is) uses EnumResourceLanguages which is not available
Steve Lhomme authored
It is not available and not needed
Steve Lhomme authored
Rémi Denis-Courmont authored
This originally was intended to leave the user a chance to stop the input (assuming that vlc_object_t.b_die was atomic). But right now, it leaves the demuxer infinitely. This does not even really solve the CPU usage problem, as sleeping for 10 milliseconds might well be cause a busy loop internally. In practice, this nowadays relies on the VLC interrupt subsystem to cause an I/O error if the user stops the (broken) input. That does not depend on the demuxer sleeping to happen. To completely address the problem, the demuxe callback should presumably return after a few iterations, so that the input thread can pace and eventually terminate cleanly.
Rémi Denis-Courmont authored
Rémi Denis-Courmont authored
Rémi Denis-Courmont authored
Rémi Denis-Courmont authored
1.8.x is a stable branch, separate from the feature branch that contains the ECDSA support.
- Mar 19, 2019
Thomas Guillem authored
To next_media_requested
Thomas Guillem authored
Thomas Guillem authored
Regression from 2049d408 Forgot to add it back after Rémi mentionned it.
Thomas Guillem authored
Thomas Guillem authored
Thomas Guillem authored
Like said in the documentation.
Thomas Guillem authored
Thomas Guillem authored
This callback is not mandatory. If it is NULL, the core will wait for the delay returned by time_get(). This was already the case for most aout plugins: PulseAudio, coreaudio, Android, DirectSound, Wasapi, and Jack.
Thomas Guillem authored
Thomas Guillem authored
Thomas Guillem authored
Thomas Guillem authored
Thomas Guillem authored
WaveOutFlush( p_aout, true ) is always called from this function.
Steve Lhomme authored
Since it always assumes it outputs unicode strings even though _UNICODE is not defined.
Steve Lhomme authored
It's already set by the PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG call below with a nicer order of variables and more official documentation.
Steve Lhomme authored
The mingw32/mingw64 pkg-config doesn't handle UNIX pathes
Steve Lhomme authored
The pkg-config of these shells only understands windows/hybrid pathes, not UNIX pathes. The pure Msys2 shell doesn't. And they force a PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR unless specifically set, even exporting the variable is not sufficient.