- May 15, 2023
Nicolas Pomepuy authored
Nicolas Pomepuy authored
Nicolas Pomepuy authored
Nicolas Pomepuy authored
Fixes #2859 Fixes #2858
Fixes #2840
Since the addition of DisplaySettingsDialog, sorts have been handled in the dialog, not in the medialibraryProvider sort method which also saved the sort values to sharedPrefs. To remedy that, a save method was added to MedialibraryProvider that is called when changing the sort setting. Fixes #2922
This adds insertion date sort for videos when not grouped, As groups can contains videos with different insertion dates
Headers have time periods for sorts based on dates. But it goes from new media to current month, adding a bit of granularity will benefit users.
Fixes #2925, 2920
To fix sort by insertion date, and display appropriate headers in browsers, the app will need access to it
- May 11, 2023
Fixes #2930
Fixes #2697
- May 10, 2023
Albums and MediaWrappers use MedialibraryItem's releaseDate as releaseYear Though when indexed an album's releaseDate saves only the year, whereas MediaWrappers' releaseDate save the whole date This adds conversion from date to year for mediawrappers in the helper getYear Fixes #2829
Remove unnecessary condition, as if hasFAB is false, updateFabPlayView will have a null visibility, and fab / fabLarge will be hidden anyway. This is usefull when the app starts in Browse, playlist or more where fabPlay will not have been initialized yet. Fixes #2901
Fixes #2918
- May 09, 2023
The PlaylistsViewModel getter would use the activity and not the fragment as context for the ViewModelProvider, so it would always return the same view model instance for different fragments. Fixes #2860
- May 03, 2023
- Apr 17, 2023
Nicolas Pomepuy authored
- Apr 04, 2023
Fixes #2761
Fixes #2450
- Apr 03, 2023
Fixes #2879
Fixes #2693
Fixes #2557
It was due to loading the fragment twice in the backstack when tapping the last breadcrumb item. As this is useless, it's now doing nothing. Fixes #2490