macOS UI: Add placeholder image for the Music section
Fixes #27716 (closed)
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added 302 commits
e6673522...f18c7763 - 301 commits from branch
- 547d8022 - macOS UI: Add placeholder image for the Music section
e6673522...f18c7763 - 301 commits from branch
changed milestone to %4.0
added Component::Interface: macOS label
added Platform::macOS label
- Resolved by Ujjwal Pratap Singh
Should I create a new merge request??
@claucambra Do you know if we have a proper placeholder image for this in the design mockups?
added MRStatus::InReview label
There are a huge number of unrelated changes in the .XIB file, could you make sure to only include the changes relevant to the image @ujjwaltwitx? Thanks!
1626 1625 <customView translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="YJf-1r-vaC" userLabel="Empty Library View" customClass="VLCBasicView"> 1627 1626 <rect key="frame" x="0.0" y="0.0" width="694" height="400"/> 1628 1627 <subviews> 1629 <imageView horizontalHuggingPriority="251" verticalHuggingPriority="251" ambiguous="YES" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="fgK-fZ-95P" userLabel="Video Placeholder Image View" customClass="VLCDropDisabledImageView"> 1630 <rect key="frame" x="253" y="228" width="188" height="120"/> 1631 <imageCell key="cell" refusesFirstResponder="YES" alignment="left" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" imageFrameStyle="grayBezel" image="VLC" id="1yO-EP-f8Q"/> @claucambra I changed the border type to None and it fixed the issue. Originally it was set to "Bezel"
This is what the video library looks like with your changes:
And what the music library looks with your changes:
There are still breakages here, the bezel is a clear one but also the alignment of the placeholder image in the music library is off and the image and the text haven't changed. Seems this is not an issue in the XIB but somewhere else
Thanks @claucambra for the review. Will look into the issue and update you.
Thanks @claucambra.
Hello @claucambra. Can you share some resources so that I can get some idea on how to resolve this issue. I have been constantly surfing the internet for the past eight or more hours but have found nothing helpful.
added MRStatus::NotCompliant label and removed MRStatus::InReview label