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Commit e890cc92 authored by Ronald S. Bultje's avatar Ronald S. Bultje Committed by Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen
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dav1d: continue decoding on recoverable errors

Fixes #26259 (closed), #26579 and dav1d/#383.
parent 2e44d338
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1 merge request!1346dav1d: continue decoding on recoverable errors
Pipeline #189014 passed with stage
in 19 minutes and 24 seconds
......@@ -322,7 +322,18 @@ static int Decode(decoder_t *dec, block_t *block)
if (res < 0 && res != DAV1D_ERR(EAGAIN))
msg_Err(dec, "Decoder feed error %d!", res);
/* bitstream decoding errors (typically DAV1D_ERR(EINVAL), are assumed
* to be recoverable. Other errors returned from this function are either
* unexpected within the VLC configuration, or considered critical failures:
* - EAGAIN is handled above.
* - ENOMEM means out-of-memory and is unrecoverable.
* - ENOPROTOOPT is a build or configuration error (invalid demuxer/muxer or unsupported bitdepth) and is unrecoverable.
* - ERANGE means frame size limits exceeded. VLC doesn't use this so we can ignore this, but unless size changes, it would be unrecoverable.
* - EINVAL is any other bitstream error which is basically what this is about.
* - EIO means file count not be opened and is unrecoverable.
* - ENOENT is actually only returned by dav1d_parse_sequence_header(), which is outside this context (I think?).
* - read() can return other values but it's OK to consider these critical for now. */
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