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Commit 13c44ed4 authored by Claudio Cambra's avatar Claudio Cambra Committed by Steve Lhomme
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macosx: Remove subviews from home view stack view when deallocating the home...

macosx: Remove subviews from home view stack view when deallocating the home view stack view controller

Turns out when switching views and deallocating the home view stack view
controller we were not emptying out the subviews for the actual stack
view, which had a reference held on it by the library window.

This means the created containers would stay alive and included in the
home view stack view's subviews... Then when switching back to the home
view we'd initialise a new home view stack view controller, which would
initialise new containers, and then add them to the home view stack
view, creating duplicates

Signed-off-by: default avatarClaudio Cambra <>
parent ac0844d7
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1 merge request!6384Fix home view's views being duplicated upon re-selecting home view
Pipeline #537587 failed with stages
in 37 minutes and 16 seconds
......@@ -62,6 +62,11 @@
return self;
- (void)dealloc
self.collectionsStackView.subviews = @[];
- (void)setup
NSNotificationCenter * const notificationCenter = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter;
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