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Commit ac0844d7 authored by Fatih Uzunoğlu's avatar Fatih Uzunoğlu Committed by Steve Lhomme
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qt: remove the timeout in `CompositorDirectComposition::setupVoutWindow()`

When `m_setupStateCond.wait()` is called, the scene graph has already started
to initialize itself. So, 2.5 seconds waiting time was considered to be fair.

2.5 seconds were enough for Nvidia and VirtualBox drivers. However, it turns
out that AMD needs more time.

This is mainly relevant when the application starts with a video.
parent b83603de
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1 merge request!6214qt: remove the timeout in `CompositorDirectComposition::setupVoutWindow()`
Pipeline #537412 passed with stage
in 18 minutes and 8 seconds
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ bool CompositorDirectComposition::setupVoutWindow(vlc_window_t *p_wnd, VoutDestr
QMutexLocker lock(&m_setupStateLock);
while (m_setupState == SetupState::Uninitialized)
const bool ret = m_setupStateCond.wait(&m_setupStateLock, QDeadlineTimer(2500));
const bool ret = m_setupStateCond.wait(&m_setupStateLock);
if (!ret)
return false;
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