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# Basque translation for vlc
# Copyright (c) (c) 2006 Canonical Ltd, and Rosetta Contributors 2006
# This file is distributed under the same license as the vlc package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: vlc\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-18 17:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-28 13:13+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: julen <>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: include/vlc/vlc.h:587
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n"
"You may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License;\n"
"see the file named COPYING for details.\n"
"Written by the VideoLAN team; see the AUTHORS file.\n"
msgstr ""
"Programa hau INOLAKO BERMERIK GABE dator, legeak onartzen duen arte.\n"
"Berriro banatu ahal duzu GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorra errespetatuz;\n"
"ikusi COPYING izeneko fitxategia xehetasunak ezagutzeko.\n"
"VideoLAN taldeak idatzita; ikusi AUTHORS fitxategia.\n"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:36
msgid "VLC preferences"
msgstr "VLC hobespenak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:38
msgid "Select \"Advanced Options\" to see all options."
msgstr "\"Aukera Aurreratuak\" hautatu aukera guztiak ikusteko."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:40 include/vlc_config_cat.h:131
msgid "General"
msgstr "Orokorra"

#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:43
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Interfaze"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:44
msgid "Settings for VLC's interfaces"
msgstr "VLC-ren interfazetarako ezarpenak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:46
#, fuzzy
msgid "General interface settings"
msgstr "Interfazearen ezarpen orokorrak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:48
msgid "Main interfaces"
msgstr "Interfaze nagusiak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:49
msgid "Settings for the main interface"
msgstr "Interfaze nagusirako ezarpenak"

#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:51 src/libvlc-module.c:147
msgid "Control interfaces"
msgstr "Kontroleko interfazeak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:52
msgid "Settings for VLC's control interfaces"
msgstr "VLC-ren kontroleko interfazeen ezarpenak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:54 include/vlc_config_cat.h:55
msgid "Hotkeys settings"
msgstr "\"Hotkey\"-en ezarpenak"

#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:58 src/input/es_out.c:1994
#: src/libvlc-module.c:1381
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "Audio"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:59
msgid "Audio settings"
msgstr "Audio ezarpenak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:61 include/vlc_config_cat.h:62
msgid "General audio settings"
msgstr "Audio ezarpen orokorrak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:64 include/vlc_config_cat.h:89
#: src/video_output/video_output.c:436
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "Iragazkiak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:66
msgid "Audio filters are used to postprocess the audio stream."
msgstr "Audio iragazkiak \"audio stream\"-a prozesatzeko erabiltzen dira"

#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:68 src/audio_output/input.c:89
msgid "Visualizations"
msgstr "Bistaratzeak"

#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:70 src/audio_output/input.c:163
msgid "Audio visualizations"
msgstr "Audio bistaratzeak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:72 include/vlc_config_cat.h:85
msgid "Output modules"
msgstr "Irteera moduluak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:73
msgid "These are general settings for audio output modules."
msgstr "Hauek irteerako audio moduluentzako ezarpen orokorrak dira"

#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:75 src/libvlc-module.c:1754
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Nahaste-borraste"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:76
msgid "Miscellaneous audio settings and modules."
msgstr "Hainbat audio ezarpen eta moduluak."

#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:79 src/input/es_out.c:2022
#: src/libvlc-module.c:1429
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:80
msgid "Video settings"
msgstr "Bideo ezarpenak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:82 include/vlc_config_cat.h:83
msgid "General video settings"
msgstr "Bideo ezarpen orokorrak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:87
msgid "Choose your preferred video output and configure it here."
msgstr "Aukeratu zure bideo irteera hobetsia eta hemen konfiguratu."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:91
msgid "Video filters are used to postprocess the video stream."
msgstr "Bideo iragazkiak \"bideo stream\"-a prozesatzeko erabiltzen dira."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:93
msgid "Subtitles/OSD"
msgstr "Azpitituluak/OSD"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:94
msgid ""
"Miscellaneous settings related to On-Screen-Display, subtitles and \"overlay "
msgstr ""
"Hainbat ezarpen On-Screen-Display, azpitituluak eta \"overlay azpititulu\"-"
"ekin lotuta."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:103
msgid "Input / Codecs"
msgstr "Sarrerak / Kodekak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:104
msgid ""
"These are the settings for the input, demultiplexing and decoding parts of "
"VLC. Encoder settings can also be found here."
msgstr ""
"Hauek dira VLC-ko sarrera, demultiplexazio eta dekodifikazio parteen "
"ezarpenak. Kodetzailearen ezarpenak ere hemen aurki daitezke."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:107
msgid "Access modules"
msgstr "Sarbide moduluak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:109
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Settings related to the various access methods used by VLC. Common settings "
"you may want to alter are HTTP proxy or caching settings."
msgstr ""
"VLC-k erabilitako hainbat sarbide metodoen ezarpenak. Aldatu nahi "
"zenituzkeen ezarpen arruntak HTTP proxy edo caching ezarpenak dira."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:113
msgid "Access filters"
msgstr "Sarbide iragazkiak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:115
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Access filters are special modules that allow advanced operations on the "
"input side of VLC. You should not touch anything here unless you know what "
"you are doing."
msgstr ""
"Sarbide iragazkiak VLC-ren sarrera-aldean eragiketa bereziak onartzen "
"dituzten modulu bereziak dira. Komenigarria da hemen ezer ez ukitzea, zertan "
"ari zaren ez badakizu."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:119
msgid "Demuxers"
msgstr "Demultiplexadoreak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:120
msgid "Demuxers are used to separate audio and video streams."
msgstr ""
"Demultiplexadoreak audio eta bideo stream-ak bereizteko erabiltzen dira"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:122
msgid "Video codecs"
msgstr "Bideo kodekak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:123
msgid "Settings for the video-only decoders and encoders."
msgstr "Bideo kodetzaile eta deskodetzaileen ezarpenak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:125
msgid "Audio codecs"
msgstr "Audio kodekak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:126
msgid "Settings for the audio-only decoders and encoders."
msgstr "Audio-bakarrik kodetzaile-dekodetzaileen ezarpenak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:128
msgid "Other codecs"
msgstr "Beste kodekak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:129
msgid "Settings for audio+video and miscellaneous decoders and encoders."
msgstr "Audio+bideo kodetzaile eta dekodetzaileen ezarpenak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:132
msgid "General input settings. Use with care."
msgstr "Sarrerako ezarpen orokorrak. Kontuz erabili."

#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:135 src/libvlc-module.c:1680
msgid "Stream output"
msgstr "Irteerako stream-a"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:137
msgid ""
"Stream output is what allows VLC to act as a streaming server or to save "
"incoming streams.\n"
"Streams are first muxed and then sent through an \"access output\" module "
"that can either save the stream to a file, or stream it (UDP, HTTP, RTP/"
"Sout streams modules allow advanced stream processing (transcoding, "
msgstr ""
"Stream irteerak VLC streaming-server moduan lan egiten edota sarrerako "
"stream-ak gordetzen uzten duena da.\n"
"Stream-ak lehen multiplexatzen dira eta gero \"access output\" modulu batean "
"zehar bidaltzen dira. Modulu honek stream-a fitxategi batean gorde edo "
"berriro bidal dezake (UDP, HTTP, RTP/RTSP).\n"
"Sout-stream moduluek stream-aren prozesatze aurreratua egiten (transcoding, "
"duplicating...) uzten dute."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:145
msgid "General stream output settings"
msgstr "Irteerako stream-aren ezarpen orokorrak."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:147
msgid "Muxers"
msgstr "Multiplexatzaileak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:149
msgid ""
"Muxers create the encapsulation formats that are used to put all the "
"elementary streams (video, audio, ...) together. This setting allows you to "
"always force a specific muxer. You should probably not do that.\n"
"You can also set default parameters for each muxer."
msgstr ""
"Multiplexatzaileek oinarriko stream-ak (bideo, audio, ...) elkarrekin "
"jartzeko enkapsulazio formatuak sortzen dituzte. Ezarpen hauek "
"multiplexatzaile jakin bat erabiltzera behartzen uzten dizu. Normalean ez "
"duzu hau egingo.\n"
"Multiplexatzaile bakoitzaren parametro lehentsiak ere ezar ditzakezu."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:155
msgid "Access output"
msgstr "Access output"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:157
msgid ""
"Access output modules control the ways the muxed streams are sent. This "
"setting allows you to always force a specific access output method. You "
"should probably not do that.\n"
"You can also set default parameters for each access output."
msgstr ""
"Access output moduluek multiplexatutako stream-en bidalketa kontrolatzen "
"dute. Ezarpen hauek access output jakin bat beharzen uzten dizu. Normalean "
"ez duzu hau zertan egin.\n"
"Parametro lehentsiak ere ezar ditzakezu access output bakoitzarentzat."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:162
msgid "Packetizers"
msgstr "Paketegileak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:164
msgid ""
"Packetizers are used to \"preprocess\" the elementary streams before muxing. "
"This setting allows you to always force a packetizer. You should probably "
"not do that.\n"
"You can also set default parameters for each packetizer."
msgstr ""
"Paketegileak oinarrizko stream-ak prozesatzeko erabiltzen dira multiplexatu "
"baino lehen. Ezarpen honek paketegile bat behartzen uzten dizu. Normalean ez "
"duzu hau egin behar.\n"
"Parametro lehentsiak ere ezarri ahal dituzu paketegile bakoitzarentzat."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:170
msgid "Sout stream"
msgstr "Sout stream"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:171
msgid ""
"Sout stream modules allow to build a sout processing chain. Please refer to "
"the Streaming Howto for more information. You can configure default options "
"for each sout stream module here."
msgstr ""
"Sout stream moduluak sout-prozesu kate bat eraikitzen uzten dizu. Mesedez jo "
"\"Streaming Howto\"-ra informazio gehiago eskuratzeko. Aukera lehentsiak "
"konfigura ditzakezu hemen sout stream modulu bakoitzarentzat."

#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:176
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:178
msgid ""
"SAP is a way to publically announce streams that are being sent using "
"multicast UDP or RTP."
msgstr ""
"SAP multicast UDP edo RTP bidez bidalitako stream-ak publikoki iragartzeko "
"era bat da."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:181
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:182
msgid "VLC's implementation of Video On Demand"
msgstr "VLC-ren Video On Deman inplementazioa"

#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:186 src/libvlc-module.c:1813
#: src/playlist/engine.c:111
msgid "Playlist"
msgstr "Erreprodukzio-zerrenda"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:187
msgid ""
"Settings related to playlist behaviour (e.g. playback mode) and to modules "
"that automatically add items to the playlist (\"service discovery\" modules)."
msgstr ""
"Erreprodukzio-zerrendako portaeraren ezarpenak (adibidez erreproduzkio "
"modua) eta zerrendari automatikoki elementuak gehitzen dizkien moduluen "
"ezarpenak (\"service discovery\" moduluak)."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:191
msgid "General playlist behaviour"
msgstr "Erreprodukzio-zerrendako portaera orokorra"

#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:192
msgid "Services discovery"
msgstr "Zerbitzuen aurkikuntza"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:193
msgid ""
"Services discovery modules are facilities that automatically add items to "
msgstr ""
"Service discovery moduluek zerrendari automatikoki elementuak gehitzen "
"dizkien moduluak dira."

#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:197 src/libvlc-module.c:1639
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Aurreratuak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:198
msgid "Advanced settings. Use with care."
msgstr "Ezarpen aurreratuak. Kontuz erabili"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:200
msgid "CPU features"
msgstr "CPU-aren ezaugarriak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:201
msgid ""
"You can choose to disable some CPU accelerations here. You should probably "
"not change these settings."
msgstr ""
"CPU azelerazioa desgaitzea aukera dezakezu hemen. Normalean ez duzu zertan "
"egin ."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:204
msgid "Advanced settings"
msgstr "Ezarpen aurreratuak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:205
msgid "Other advanced settings"
msgstr "Beste ezarpen aurreratuak"

#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:207
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Sarea"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:208
msgid "These modules provide network functions to all other parts of VLC."
msgstr "Modulu hauek sare-funtzioak ematen dizkie VLC-ko beste zatiei."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:213
msgid "Chroma modules settings"
msgstr "Chroma moduluen ezarpenak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:214
msgid "These settings affect chroma transformation modules."
msgstr "Ezarpen hauek chroma-transformazioa moduluei afektatzen die."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:216
msgid "Packetizer modules settings"
msgstr "Paketegile moduluen ezarpenak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:220
msgid "Encoders settings"
msgstr "Kodeatzaileen ezarpenak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:222
msgid "These are general settings for video/audio/subtitles encoding modules."
msgstr ""
"Hauek dira bideo/audio/azpitituluak modulu kodifikatzaileen ezarpen "

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:225
msgid "Dialog providers settings"
msgstr "Dialogo-hornitzaileen ezarpenak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:227
msgid "Dialog providers can be configured here."
msgstr "Dialogo-hornitzaileak hemen konfigura daitezke."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:229
msgid "Subtitle demuxer settings"
msgstr "Azpititulu demultiplexatzailearen ezarpenak"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:231
msgid ""
"In this section you can force the behavior of the subtitle demuxer, for "
"example by setting the subtitles type or file name."
msgstr ""
"Sekzio honetan azpititulu demultiplexatzailearen portaera alda dezakezu. "
"Adibidez, azpitituluen mota edo fitxategia ezarriz."

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:238
msgid "No help available"
msgstr "Ez dago laguntzarik eskuragarri"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_config_cat.h:239
msgid "There is no help available for these modules."
msgstr "Ez dago laguntzarik eskuragarri modulu hauentzat"

Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#: include/vlc_interface.h:146
msgid ""
"Warning: if you can't access the GUI anymore, open a command-line window, go "
"to the directory where you installed VLC and run \"vlc -I wx\"\n"
msgstr ""
"Oharra: Interfaz grafikora ezin bazara heldu, command-line leiho bat ireki, "
"VLC instalaturik dagoen direktoriora joan eta \"vlc -l wx\"exekutatu\n"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:33
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Quick &Open File..."
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:34
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Advanced Open..."
msgstr "Ezarpen aurreratuak"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:35
msgid "Open &Directory..."
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:37
msgid "Select one or more files to open"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:41
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#, fuzzy
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgstr "Meta-informazioa"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:42
#, fuzzy
msgid "Codec Information..."
msgstr "Meta-informazioa"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:43
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Messages..."
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:44
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#, fuzzy
msgid "Extended settings..."
msgstr "Kodeatzaileen ezarpenak"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:45
msgid "Go to specific time..."
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:46
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bookmarks..."
msgstr "Laster-marka"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:47
#, fuzzy
msgid "VLM Configuration..."
msgstr "Meta-informazioa"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:49
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "About VLC media player..."
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:52
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:53
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fetch information"
msgstr "Meta-informazioa"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:54
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:55
#, fuzzy
msgid "Information..."
msgstr "Meta-informazioa"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:56
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:57
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:58
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stream..."
msgstr "Stream-a"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:59
#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:60
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open Folder..."
msgstr "Audio iragazkiak"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:64 src/libvlc-module.c:1075
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Repeat all"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:65
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Repeat one"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:66
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "No repeat"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:68 src/libvlc-module.c:1274
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Random"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:69
msgid "Random off"
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:71
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add to playlist"
msgstr "Erreprodukzio-zerrenda"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:72
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Add to media library"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:74
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add file..."
msgstr "Audio iragazkiak"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:75
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#, fuzzy
msgid "Advanced open..."
msgstr "Aurreratuak"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:76
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Add directory..."
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:78
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Save playlist to file..."
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:79
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Load playlist file..."
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:81
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Search"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:82
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Search filter"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:84
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Additional sources"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:88
msgid ""
"Some options are available but hidden. Check \"Advanced options\" to see "
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:93
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Image clone"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:94
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Clone the image"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:96
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
#, fuzzy
msgid "Magnification"
msgstr "Meta-informazioa"

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:97
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid ""
"Magnify a part of the video. You can select which part of the image should "
"be magnified."
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:100
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Waves"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:101
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "\"Waves\" video distortion effect"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:103
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "\"Water surface\" video distortion effect"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:105
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Image colors inversion"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:107
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid "Split the image to make an image wall"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:109
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid ""
"Create a \"puzzle game\" with the video.\n"
"The video gets split in parts that you must sort."
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:112
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid ""
"\"Edge detection\" video distortion effect.\n"
"Try changing the various settings for different effects"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:115
Christophe Mutricy's avatar
Christophe Mutricy committed
msgid ""
"\"Color detection\" effect. The whole image will be turned to black and "
"white, except the parts that are of the color that you select in the "
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_intf_strings.h:119
msgid ""
"<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; "
"charset=utf-8\" /><h2>Welcome to VLC media player Help</"
"h2><h3>Documentation</h3><p>You can find VLC documentation on VideoLAN's <a "
"href=\"\">wiki</a> website.</p><p>If you are a "
"newcomer to VLC media player, please read the<br><a href=\"http://wiki."
"\"><em>Introduction to VLC media "
"player</em></a>.</p><p>You will find some information on how to use the "
"player in the <br>\"<a href=\""
"Play_HowTo\"><em>How to play files with VLC media player</em></a>\" document."
"</p><p>For all the saving, converting, transcoding, encoding, muxing and "
"streaming tasks, you should find useful information in the <a href=\"http://"
"\">Streaming Documentation</"
"a>.</p><p>If you are unsure about terminology, please consult the <a href="
"\"\">knowledge base</a>.</p><p>To "
"understand the main keyboard shortcuts, read the <a href=\"http://wiki."
"\">shortcuts</a> page.</p><h3>Help</h3><p>Before asking "
"any question, please refer yourself to the <a href=\"http://wiki.videolan."
"org/Frequently_Asked_Questions\">FAQ</a>.</p><p>You might then get (and "
"give) help on the <a href=\"\">Forums</a>, the <a "
"href=\"\">mailing-lists</a> or our IRC "
"channel ( <a href=\"\"><em>#videolan</em></a> "
"on ).</p><h3>Contribute to the project</h3><p>You can help "
"the VideoLAN project giving some of your time to help the community, to "
"design skins, to translate the documentation, to test and to code. You can "
"also give funds and material to help us. And of course, you can <b>promote</"
"b> VLC media player.</p></body></html>"
msgstr ""

#: include/vlc_meta.h:167
msgid "Meta-information"
msgstr "Meta-informazioa"

#: include/vlc_meta.h:184
msgid "Codec Name"
msgstr "Kodekaren izana"

#: include/vlc_meta.h:185
msgid "Codec Description"
msgstr "Kodekaren deskripzioa"

#: src/audio_output/filters.c:151 src/audio_output/filters.c:198
#: src/audio_output/filters.c:221
#, fuzzy
msgid "Audio filtering failed"
msgstr "Audio iragazkiak"

#: src/audio_output/filters.c:152 src/audio_output/filters.c:199
#: src/audio_output/filters.c:222
#, c-format
msgid "The maximum number of filters (%d) was reached."
msgstr ""

#: src/audio_output/input.c:91 src/audio_output/input.c:137
#: src/input/es_out.c:425 src/libvlc-module.c:528
#: src/video_output/video_output.c:413
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Desgaitu"

#: src/audio_output/input.c:93
msgid "Spectrometer"
msgstr "Espektrometroa"

#: src/audio_output/input.c:95
msgid "Scope"
msgstr "Esparrua"

#: src/audio_output/input.c:97
msgid "Spectrum"
msgstr "Espektroa"

#: src/audio_output/input.c:134
msgid "Equalizer"
msgstr "Ekualizadorea"

#: src/audio_output/input.c:156 src/libvlc-module.c:272
msgid "Audio filters"
msgstr "Audio iragazkiak"

#: src/audio_output/input.c:178
#: src/audio_output/output.c:98 src/audio_output/output.c:125
msgid "Audio Channels"
msgstr "Auko kanalak"

#: src/audio_output/output.c:101 src/audio_output/output.c:136
msgid "Stereo"
msgstr "estereo"

#: src/audio_output/output.c:103 src/audio_output/output.c:139
#: src/libvlc-module.c:357 src/libvlc-module.c:400
#: src/audio_output/output.c:105 src/audio_output/output.c:141
#: src/libvlc-module.c:357 src/libvlc-module.c:400
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Eskuin"

#: src/audio_output/output.c:131
msgid "Dolby Surround"
msgstr "Dolby Surround"

#: src/audio_output/output.c:143
msgid "Reverse stereo"
msgstr "Estereoa alderantziz"

#: src/control/media_list.c:187 src/playlist/engine.c:125
#: src/playlist/loadsave.c:146
msgid "Media Library"
msgstr ""

#: src/extras/getopt.c:633
#, c-format
msgid "%s: option `%s' is ambiguous\n"
msgstr "%s: '%s' aukera anbiguoa da\n"

#: src/extras/getopt.c:658
#, c-format
msgid "%s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument\n"
msgstr "%s: '--%s' aukerak ez du argumentu bat onartzen\n"

#: src/extras/getopt.c:663
#, c-format
msgid "%s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument\n"
msgstr "%s: '%c%s' aukerak ez du argumentu bat onartzen\n"

#: src/extras/getopt.c:681 src/extras/getopt.c:854
#, c-format
msgid "%s: option `%s' requires an argument\n"
msgstr "%s: aukerak '%s' argumentua behar du\n"

#: src/extras/getopt.c:710
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unrecognized option `--%s'\n"
msgstr "%s: aukera ezezaguna '--%s'\n"

#: src/extras/getopt.c:714
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unrecognized option `%c%s'\n"
msgstr "%s: aukera ezezaguna '%c%s'\n"

#: src/extras/getopt.c:740
#, c-format
msgid "%s: illegal option -- %c\n"
msgstr "%s: aukera ilegala -- %c\n"

#: src/extras/getopt.c:743
#, c-format
msgid "%s: invalid option -- %c\n"
msgstr "%s: baliogabeko aukera -- %c\n"

#: src/extras/getopt.c:773 src/extras/getopt.c:903
#, c-format
msgid "%s: option requires an argument -- %c\n"
msgstr "%s: aukerak argumentu bat behar du -- %c\n"

#: src/extras/getopt.c:820
#, c-format
msgid "%s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous\n"
msgstr "%s: '-W %s' aukera anbiguoa da\n"

#: src/extras/getopt.c:838
#, c-format
msgid "%s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument\n"
msgstr "%s: '-W %s' aukerak ez du argumentu bat onartzen\n"

#: src/input/control.c:310
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark %i"
msgstr "Laster-markak %i"

#: src/input/decoder.c:106
msgid "No suitable decoder module for format"
#: src/input/decoder.c:107
#, c-format
msgid ""
"VLC probably does not support the \"%4.4s\" audio or video format. "
"Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this."
#: src/input/decoder.c:159 src/input/decoder.c:171 src/input/decoder.c:373
msgid "Streaming / Transcoding failed"
#: src/input/decoder.c:160
msgid "VLC could not open the packetizer module."
#: src/input/decoder.c:172 src/input/decoder.c:374
msgid "VLC could not open the decoder module."
#: src/input/es_out.c:447 src/input/es_out.c:449 src/input/es_out.c:455
#: src/input/es_out.c:456
#, c-format
msgid "Track %i"
msgstr "%i. pista"

#: src/input/es_out.c:637
#, c-format
msgid "%s [%s %d]"
msgstr ""

#: src/input/es_out.c:637 src/input/es_out.c:639 src/input/var.c:128
#: src/libvlc-module.c:561
msgid "Program"
msgstr "Programa"

#: src/input/es_out.c:1413
msgid "Closed captions 1"
msgstr ""

#: src/input/es_out.c:1414
msgid "Closed captions 2"
msgstr ""

#: src/input/es_out.c:1415
msgid "Closed captions 3"
msgstr ""

#: src/input/es_out.c:1416
msgid "Closed captions 4"
msgstr ""

#: src/input/es_out.c:1981
#, c-format
msgid "Stream %d"
msgstr "Stream %d"

#: src/input/es_out.c:1983
msgid "Codec"
msgstr "Kodeka"

#: src/input/es_out.c:1986 src/input/meta.c:53 src/libvlc-module.c:164
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Hizkuntza"

#: src/input/es_out.c:1994 src/input/es_out.c:2022 src/input/es_out.c:2049
#: src/input/es_out.c:1997
msgid "Channels"
msgstr "Kanalak"

#: src/input/es_out.c:2002
msgid "Sample rate"
msgstr "Lagin-abiadura"

#: src/input/es_out.c:2003
#: src/input/es_out.c:2009
msgid "Bits per sample"
msgstr "Bitak lagineko"

#: src/input/es_out.c:2014
msgid "Bitrate"
msgstr "Bit-abiadura"

#: src/input/es_out.c:2015
#: src/input/es_out.c:2026
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Erresoluzioa"

#: src/input/es_out.c:2032
msgid "Display resolution"
msgstr "Pantailaren erresoluzioa"

#: src/input/es_out.c:2042
msgid "Frame rate"
msgstr "Fotogramen tasa"

#: src/input/es_out.c:2049
msgid "Subtitle"
msgstr "Azpititulua"

#: src/input/input.c:2229
msgid "Your input can't be opened"
msgstr ""

#: src/input/input.c:2230
#, c-format
msgid "VLC is unable to open the MRL '%s'. Check the log for details."
msgstr ""

#: src/input/input.c:2325
msgid "Can't recognize the input's format"
msgstr ""

#: src/input/input.c:2326
#, c-format
msgid "The format of '%s' can't be detected. Have a look the log for details."
msgstr ""

#: src/input/meta.c:42 src/input/var.c:139
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titulua"

#: src/input/meta.c:43
msgid "Artist"