New audio player cover design
Fixes #2111 (closed) Fixes #2112 (closed)
Merge request reports
Filter activity
changed milestone to %3.4.x
added Android Phone UI UX feature labels
added 2 commits
added 11 commits
17bc9f82...77e95e8a - 7 commits from branch
- da429a97 - Add the audio player safety gradients
- 234e8670 - Update dividers and blurred background colors for the audio player
- 7e4f9499 - New audio player cover design
- 9f132e38 - Disable fast seek for audio tracks
Toggle commit list-
17bc9f82...77e95e8a - 7 commits from branch
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for 9f132e38 succeeds
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for 07cade7d succeeds
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