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@@ -103,16 +103,20 @@ For an AV1 video stream, the AV1 video descriptor provides basic information for
AV1 Bitstream & Decoding Process Specification video is carried in PES packets as PES_packet_data_bytes, using one of the 16 stream_id values assigned to video, while signalling the AV1 Bitstream & Decoding Process Specification video stream, by means of the assigned stream-type value in the PMT (see Table 2-34). The highest level that may occur in an AV1 video stream, as well as a profile and tier that the entire stream conforms to should be signalled using the AV1 video descriptor. If an AV1 video descriptor is associated with an AV1 video stream, then this descriptor shall be conveyed in the descriptor loop for the respective elementary stream entry in the program map table. This Recommendation | International Standard does not specify the presentation of AV1 Bitstream & Decoding Process Specification streams in the context of a program stream.
AV1 Bitstream & Decoding Process Specification video is carried in PES packets as PES_packet_data_bytes, using the stream_id 0xFD (extended_stream_id). stream_id_extension field defined in ISO 13818-1 Amendment 2 shall have any value in the ragen between 0x70 and 0x7F. These values are defined within the allowed private range in ISO 13818-1 Amendment 2. To signal stream_id_extension, PES_extension_flag and PES_extension_flag_2 shall be set to 1, and stream_id_extension_flag to 0. The highest level that may occur in an AV1 video stream, as well as a profile and tier that the entire stream conforms to should be signalled using the AV1 video descriptor. If an AV1 video descriptor is associated with an AV1 video stream, then this descriptor shall be conveyed in the descriptor loop for the respective elementary stream entry in the program map table. This Recommendation | International Standard does not specify the presentation of AV1 Bitstream & Decoding Process Specification streams in the context of a program stream.
For synchronization and STD management, PTSs and, when appropriate, DTSs are encoded in the header of the PES packet that carries the AV1 Bitstream & Decoding Process Specification video elementary stream data. For PTS and DTS encoding, the constraints and semantics apply as defined in and 2.7. AV1 access unit that is not shown will not have a PTS or a DTS encoded in their PES header.
For synchronization and STD management, PTSs and, when appropriate, DTSs are encoded in the header of the PES packet that carries the AV1 Bitstream & Decoding Process Specification video elementary stream data. For PTS and DTS encoding, the constraints and semantics apply as defined in and 2.7. AV1 access unit that is not shown shall not have a PTS or a DTS encoded in their PES header.