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qt: fix color banding issues with dithering

Fatih Uzunoğlu requested to merge fuzun/vlc:qt/fixcolorbanding into master

Currently we are suffering from severe color banding when the dark theme is used. When premultiplied colors are used, we can't really use the whole 8-bit colors, as the dark color's parameters can end up getting so small that 8 bit precision would not be enough to represent them properly anymore.

For example, if color RGB(0.05, 0.05, 0.05) has alpha value 0.1, it becomes RGBA(0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.1) when premultiplied. I doubt 0.005 can be represented properly with 8 bits.

Close #27897 (closed).

Fading edge before:


Fading edge after:


Shadow before:


Shadow after:


Request review @chub.

Edited by Fatih Uzunoğlu

Merge request reports
