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Draft: [3.0] qt: add support for building with Qt6

Steve Lhomme requested to merge robUx4/vlc:30-qt6 into 3.0.x

~~Draft on top of !6538 (merged) and !6547 (merged) Draft on top of !6810 (closed) and contains a backport of !6811 (merged) ~~

The code still works with Qt 5.5, the minimum version we support. We don't have a maximum Qt version, so theoretically it's supposed to build with the latest Qt.

The configure script is not adapted to handle the case of Qt6 being built without pkg-config, as we do in VLC 4.0. But that could be useful for Linux distros if they want to build VLC 3 with Qt6.

Edited by Steve Lhomme

Merge request reports
