Draft: contrib: qtbase: disable harfbuzz for windows
Disabling harfbuzz should further reduce the binary size.
According to the Qt docs:
-harfbuzz ............ Select used HarfBuzz-NG [system/qt/no] (Not auto-detected on Apple and Windows)
Harfbuzz is not detected on Windows by default. However, we use -system-harfbuzz
, and this seems to make it force-enabled on Windows.
This is marked as draft, because Qt has a bug (at least in Qt 6.5) that Harfbuzz is, for some reason, necessary to use Unicode Private Use Area characters. I previously created an issue for it: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-116417. It has not been fixed so far, but if Qt 6.7 does not have the issue we can proceed with this.