Draft: vout: samplebufferdisplay: Add Picture in Picture support for Darwin platforms
requested to merge umxprime/vlc:umxprime/4.x/video-output/samplebufferdisplay/pip/01 into master
This adds Picture in Picture support supposedly for all Darwin platforms.
It introduces a new module capability playerprobe
needed in libvlc media player to be able to get the player from modules and handle pip controls with player events.
Known issues
It currently doesn't work on macOS where it should.
Not working actually means on macOS :
+[AVPictureInPictureController isPictureInPictureSupported]
returns YES-[AVPictureInPictureController isPictureInPicturePossible]
always returns NOWhere on iOS :
+[AVPictureInPictureController isPictureInPictureSupported]
returns YES-[AVPictureInPictureController isPictureInPicturePossible]
returns YESStill have issues with play/pause controls that needs to be figured out
VideoLAN code repository instance