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qt: adjust advanced prefs tree filtering behaviour

Lyndon Brown requested to merge jnqnfe/vlc:qt_adv_filter_behaviour into master

The previous behaviour upon filter change was that:

  • If the search string was not empty then everything visible was expanded.
  • If empty, then everything would be collapsed except the selected node.

This is rather annoying IMO, for instance - from a default starting state where top-level nodes are expanded and 2nd-level collapsed, if you apply a filter and then subsequently remove it, you annoyingly end up with more collapsed than you started with.

I feel that it works much better to just leave the expanded/collapsed state untouched, preserving the initial state and any changes the user has made before/after filtering, even though this forces users to expand any 2nd-level filter results they are interested in for themselves. It's also much more simple.

Merge request reports