DTS stability issues
I have noticed that after playing a large amount of DTS content (video in mkv/x264) from many different sources that there are pauses that will last for about one second where the DTS stream breaks up. You can notice them when dialogue or sounds are interrupted but I can also visually notice the breakup because my home theater receiver will flash "DTS 3/2" whenever it happens, just the same as when DTS content first starts playing on the receiver.
This problem will manifest about 3-4 times in an hour of DTS content. The only last about a second so it's not a crippling bug but I don't notice the same problem in other players I have tried that can handle DTS.
The problem will also happen with Dolby AC-3 content but not as often, occurring once (occasionally twice) in an hour of AC-3 content.
I am currently using version 2.0.8 because of bug #9522 (closed) but this has happened in older versions as well.
As you can see from this forum post at least one other person is experiencing the same problem: https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=113894&p=391141#p390636
They seem to think it is related to their NVidia driver but I can confirm this is not the case since it occurs in both HDMI and the optical out of my sound card while using pass-through to my receiver.
I'm not sure if this is related to bug #9522 (closed) but I guess anything is possible.