VLC 2.1.0 wont decode DTS Audio through SPDIF
VLC 2.1.0 wont pass through DTS for output over SPDIF optical to AMP the AMP just receives PCM audio. This feature currently works just fine with VLC 2.0.8 and is also broken in the nightly 2.1.1 build.
I used this file for testing http://dl.demo-world.eu/download_hd.php?filename=hd_dts_animated_logo_lossless.rar
The two primary lines from the debug output that I think are relevant are here VLC 2.0.8 main debug: filter(s) 'dts '->'dts ' 48000 Hz->48000 Hz 3F2R/LFE->3F2R/LFE
VLC 2.1.0 main debug: conversion: 'f32l'->'f32l' 48000 Hz->48000 Hz 3F2R/LFE->Stereo
You can find a text file with a more complete log of both VLC 2.0.8 and 2.1.0 attached
Thanks Chris
Edited by Jean-Baptiste Kempf