Incorrect Artist View being loaded
This was initially found by Pierre (@chub)
What happens
on double clicking on artist it opens the wrong artist (reported by pierre)
How to reproduce
If you navigate as:
- open music / artist tab
- double click on an artist what happens:
- the detailed artist page opens on the wrong artist what we expect:
- the detailed artist page should open on the artist you dbl clicked on
Possible solutions worked out till now
- Initially I thought the index passed on to the next view was incorrect as a result the wrong artist was being displayed but this was'nt the case. Interestingly if the app is open long enough it fixes itself.
- Turns out the 2nd view isn't sorted accordingly to changes made in the first view initially when the app is loaded or when you change the sorting in first view.
If you notice the index passed from the first view(MusicAllArtist.qml) to the second view(MusicArtistAlbums.qml) is actually correct as the correct album according to the order is opened