Qml: snap version can't start due to QML type error
pierre@zoidberg %snap install vlc --edge
vlc (edge) 4.0.0-dev-17721-g147a1bd812 from VideoLAN✓ installed
pierre@zoidberg % snap run vlc
VLC media player 4.0.0-dev Otto Chriek (revision 4.0.0-dev-17721-g147a1bd812)
[00005641c1cabe90] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
Qt: Session management error: Could not open network socket
qml: component is not ready: qrc:/main/MainDisplay.qml:307 Type PL.PlaylistListView unavailable
qrc:/playlist/PlaylistListView.qml:134 Type PlaylistOverlayMenu unavailable
qrc:/playlist/PlaylistOverlayMenu.qml:26 Type Widgets.OverlayMenu unavailable
qrc:/widgets/OverlayMenu.qml:130 Type KeyNavigableListView unavailable
qrc:/widgets/KeyNavigableListView.qml:293 Type Util.FlickableScrollHandler unavailable
qrc:/util/FlickableScrollHandler.qml:29 Type MultipleBinding unavailable
qrc:/util/MultipleBinding.qml:32 Instantiator is not a type
qml: unable to load view mc