Twitch URL no longer plays, API changed
Twitch streams no longer work when opened in VLC. If specifying a URL on the commandline, VLC openes and states "empty playlist", in the console it reports:
[00007f96fc02d040] access stream error: HTTP 404 error [00007f96fc02d040] http stream error: local stream 1 error: Cancellation (0x8) [00007f96fc02c180] main stream error: no suitable access module for `' [00007f96fc02c180] lua stream error: Error getting request token from Twitch: Error getting JSON object: Failed creating VLC stream
I could not find information on the API that is used here to get the access token, but I believe those are documented nowhere and twitch seems to have disabled it.
Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux bullseye/sid
VLC Version: Debian packaged 3.0.12-1 (amd64)
How to reproduce: run VLC with any twitch channel URL (eg.): vlc
Attached is a log of vlc -vvv
Since twitch.lua does not seem to be changed in the master branch, this probably applies to the development version, too