2.2.2: Can't add VLC ActiveX Plugin v2 to Visual Studio anymore
To reproduce, in Visual Studio (2013 update 5),
- Open the Toolbox View (Ctrl+Alt+X),
- Right+click and select "Choose Items..."
- Navigate to the COM Components tab,
- Check VLC ACtiveX Plugin and IE Web Plugin v2
We get the following message (see attached image): "The following controls were successfully added to the toolbox but are not enabled in the active designer: VLC ActiveX Plugin and IE Web Plugin v2 -- Make sure the controls to add are compatible with the current designer and .NET Framework version."
For many (including us), the nightly 2.2.2 build would fix the issue found in 2.2.1. Now that 2.2.2 is officially out, it's broken again..
I tried (as suggested in other issues):
- regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\axvlc.dll"
- Plateform target: x86 (.NET 4.5)
No luck. Help?