Commits on Source (11)
Steve Lhomme authored67f576fe
Steve Lhomme authored
This is how we receive it.
2eb90dc4 -
Steve Lhomme authored
atoi() may return negative values.
2655a9f6 -
Steve Lhomme authoreda84dbae8
Steve Lhomme authored85d88424
Steve Lhomme authored2ffa3016
Steve Lhomme authored2fe02bc7
Steve Lhomme authored
The values were already restricted between 0 and INT_MAX
1e546048 -
Steve Lhomme authored
It doesn't make sense to have width/height as negative. The vobsub values are initialized to 0 (rather than -1) which signals the dimensions are not known.
192f3410 -
Steve Lhomme authoredd5514be2
Steve Lhomme authored
It cannot be, the SAR cannot be 0, nor the original dimensions (fixed above) and neither the visible sizes of the output format.
- include/vlc_es.h 2 additions, 2 deletionsinclude/vlc_es.h
- include/vlc_subpicture.h 2 additions, 2 deletionsinclude/vlc_subpicture.h
- modules/access/bluray.c 3 additions, 3 deletionsmodules/access/bluray.c
- modules/access/imem.c 2 additions, 2 deletionsmodules/access/imem.c
- modules/codec/arib/substext.h 5 additions, 2 deletionsmodules/codec/arib/substext.h
- modules/codec/avcodec/subtitle.c 1 addition, 1 deletionmodules/codec/avcodec/subtitle.c
- modules/codec/dvbsub.c 11 additions, 11 deletionsmodules/codec/dvbsub.c
- modules/codec/substext.h 1 addition, 1 deletionmodules/codec/substext.h
- modules/codec/subsusf.c 5 additions, 2 deletionsmodules/codec/subsusf.c
- modules/codec/zvbi.c 5 additions, 2 deletionsmodules/codec/zvbi.c
- modules/demux/vobsub.c 5 additions, 5 deletionsmodules/demux/vobsub.c
- modules/demux/vobsub.h 5 additions, 5 deletionsmodules/demux/vobsub.h
- modules/spu/mosaic.c 7 additions, 7 deletionsmodules/spu/mosaic.c
- src/video_output/vout_subpictures.c 21 additions, 22 deletionssrc/video_output/vout_subpictures.c