Commits on Source (5)
Steve Lhomme authoredd4bb07bb
Steve Lhomme authored
For native compilation, native tools are built with the libraries.
93b24240 -
Steve Lhomme authored
We cannot mix system tools and tools in contribs because qtpaths6 will only provide one of those. So either we build all of them, or we build none of them.
9cf2364d -
Steve Lhomme authored9e089f4e
Steve Lhomme authored
And without ragel. - snap is left out because there's a new image coming
- contrib/src/main.mak 27 additions, 7 deletionscontrib/src/main.mak
- contrib/src/qt/rules.mak 6 additions, 1 deletioncontrib/src/qt/rules.mak
- contrib/src/qtdeclarative/rules.mak 1 addition, 1 deletioncontrib/src/qtdeclarative/rules.mak
- contrib/src/qtshadertools/rules.mak 1 addition, 1 deletioncontrib/src/qtshadertools/rules.mak
- extras/ci/gitlab-ci.yml 6 additions, 6 deletionsextras/ci/gitlab-ci.yml