Commits on Source (10)
We can't detect it based on a version of mingw until v10 is released and in our images.
50e71ad6 -
Since Mingw 8.0.0 they have recent enough API's. Qt needs this dependency as Angle may be using D3D9.
5edcad34 -
In mingw 10 they are up to date with HEVC and AV1. Even in all the win32 images we use. If we ever need to patch it again we can do it on the mingw version
7e4e0b1f -
All the headers have the parts we need in mingw 8 (checked individually).
982a6adb -
We don't use any unpatched header anymore.
698bac94 -
Angle may be using it and it is a separate "contrib package" now. We don't need the most recent dcomp as it's only using IDCompositionDevice. So if we have mingw 8+ we don't add the dependency.
- contrib/src/main.mak 3 additions, 3 deletionscontrib/src/main.mak
- contrib/src/pthreads/0001-dcomp.h-add-some-missing-interfaces.patch 0 additions, 111 deletions...c/pthreads/0001-dcomp.h-add-some-missing-interfaces.patch
- contrib/src/pthreads/SHA512SUMS 1 addition, 1 deletioncontrib/src/pthreads/SHA512SUMS
- contrib/src/pthreads/rules.mak 47 additions, 21 deletionscontrib/src/pthreads/rules.mak
- contrib/src/qt/rules.mak 4 additions, 1 deletioncontrib/src/qt/rules.mak
- contrib/src/wine-headers/rules.mak 3 additions, 9 deletionscontrib/src/wine-headers/rules.mak