Commits on Source (8)
Steve Lhomme authored
And let cargo do the cd command.
22e0f09e -
Steve Lhomme authored7a6505f4
Steve Lhomme authoredbcbaddfb
Steve Lhomme authored8f98b6b4
Steve Lhomme authored
Only for cross-compilation. We still want to allow the system compiler for native compilation.
b7e7305e -
Steve Lhomme authored
RUSTUP_HOME contains the target toolchain when it's not the native one.
004e1980 -
Steve Lhomme authored
It doesn't matter if it's a cross-compilation or not, we have the proper folders to use if it is.
1a50809c -
Steve Lhomme authoredbfe0a6e7