- Nov 13, 2004
- Nov 12, 2004
hartman authored
gbazin authored
Jean-Paul Saman authored
Make sure the wxWindows development headers and libraries are present when skins2 module is enabled. Without wxWindows the skins2 interface is not very usable.
gbazin authored
gbazin authored
gbazin authored
gbazin authored
* modules/audio_output/portaudio.c: channel reordering patch by Frederic Ruget + slightly simplified by me.
- Nov 11, 2004
gbazin authored
Mark Moriarty authored
- Nov 10, 2004
sigmunau authored
* support incorrect announces that does not include parameters we don't parse anyway, change the corresponding msesage from Warn to Dbg. * convert UDP to udp, to get the right icon in the playlist * fixed a potential crash given away by gcc's warnings
sigmunau authored
sigmunau authored
gbazin authored
Felix Paul Kühne authored
zorglub authored
gbazin authored
* modules/video_output/directx: in embedded mode, we now use the current monitor when switching to fullscreen.
Laurent Aimar authored
zorglub authored
zorglub authored
zorglub authored
* Fix playlist release bug * Add sdp and rtp as network type items
- Nov 09, 2004
zorglub authored
gbazin authored
Mark Moriarty authored
gbazin authored
* modules/video_output/directx: last attempt at fixing the spurious taskbar item after switching to fullscreen (it actually also simplifies the code a bit as well).
zorglub authored
- Nov 08, 2004
zorglub authored
dionoea authored
gbazin authored
* modules/audio_output/portaudio.c: implemented a PORTAUDIO_IS_SERIOUSLY_BROKEN mode (win32 asio only).
zorglub authored
zorglub authored
Samuel Hocevar authored
+ Gave X11 a higher priority than SDL, so that the all-in-one interface still works when the XVideo port is taken. If XVideo is not available, SDL isn't of much use though.
gbazin authored
gbazin authored
gbazin authored
gbazin authored
* src/video_output/vout_subpictures.c: proper subpicture scaling using sample aspect ratio information.
gbazin authored
* include/vlc_es.h: added i_sar_num/den (sample aspect ratio) fields to video_format_t (will hopefully deprecate the i_aspect field one day).