- May 23, 2023
Claudio Cambra <developer@claudiocambra.com>
Claudio Cambra <developer@claudiocambra.com>
Claudio Cambra <developer@claudiocambra.com>
- May 22, 2023
Steve Lhomme authored
It's not used anymore. We can detect locally what is available or not. We only need to know in make files how to link in the case.
Steve Lhomme authored
The code is similar, apart from the Fully Qualified Name (FQN) support. But such a path would fail in UWP anyway. It's not handled on desktop Window either.
Steve Lhomme authored
Steve Lhomme authored
It's using freopen( "CONOUT$") which is not going to work.
Steve Lhomme authored
Steve Lhomme authored
Steve Lhomme authored
We link directly with the proper DLLs.
Steve Lhomme authored
Steve Lhomme authored
Steve Lhomme authored
Steve Lhomme authored
Steve Lhomme authored
It's using freopen("CONOUT$") which is not supported in UWP.
Steve Lhomme authored
Steve Lhomme authored
It's actually done for all UWP builds. But we're not modifying that for now.
Steve Lhomme authored
Steve Lhomme authored
Steve Lhomme authored
Steve Lhomme authored
Steve Lhomme authored
Now that we have a minimum of Win7 we could always do it [1]. However IDWriteFactory2 is only supported since 8.1 [2]. [1] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dwrite/nf-dwrite-dwritecreatefactory [2] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/directwrite/idwritefactory2
Steve Lhomme authored
Steve Lhomme authored
_wgetcwd() is only forbidden in Win8 UWP: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cppcx/crt-functions-not-supported-in-universal-windows-platform-apps?view=msvc-160#windows-8x-store-apps-and-windows-phone-8x-apps
Steve Lhomme authored
It was only forbidden in Win8 UWP: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cppcx/crt-functions-not-supported-in-universal-windows-platform-apps?view=msvc-160#windows-8x-store-apps-and-windows-phone-8x-apps This is also what winpthreads uses, so we've been using it anyway. Ref. f9bfd84b.
Steve Lhomme authored
We should never build D3D9 in UWP builds. Ref. 582f0af3
Steve Lhomme authored
The API is available in UWP builds. _wgetcwd() should work as well.
Steve Lhomme authored
It doesn't matter if it's in UWP builds or not. That option is not even used in 3.0.
- May 21, 2023
Ilkka Ollakka authored
If we probe directory, check if it contains VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO before letting dvdnav to probe, otherwise dvdnav will give error on that and it shows unnecessary error to end user.
- May 20, 2023
Claudio Cambra <developer@claudiocambra.com>
negative or zero durations from cameras refs #28134
Steve Lhomme authored
realpath doesn't exist on macOS.
- May 19, 2023
This accidentally stored cdt2 as field 0/cc1 instead of field 1/cc2.