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Commit d0a537b2 authored by Fatih Uzunoğlu's avatar Fatih Uzunoğlu Committed by Steve Lhomme
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qt: add setting to hide the window on close

When `qt-close-to-system-tray` is set,
the application would not exit on close
event, but rather the window becomes

This setting is not enabled by default,
and is only applicable when `qt-system-tray`
is also set.

I believe that with the media library,
this setting becomes relevant to keep
one instance open rather than closing
and re-opening. Currently, even if the
user does not want to close the application,
the inclination is to close the application
since the window occupies space in the
task bar.
parent 916dc562
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1 merge request!5585qt: add setting to hide the window on close
Pipeline #485528 passed with stage
in 32 minutes
......@@ -229,6 +229,19 @@ bool InterfaceWindowHandler::eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent* event)
case QEvent::Close:
if (var_InheritBool(p_intf, "qt-close-to-system-tray"))
if (const QSystemTrayIcon* const sysTrayIcon = m_mainCtx->getSysTray())
if (sysTrayIcon->isSystemTrayAvailable() && sysTrayIcon->isVisible())
return true;
bool ret = m_mainCtx->onWindowClose(m_window);
if (ret)
......@@ -256,6 +256,9 @@ static void ShowDialog ( intf_thread_t *, int, int, intf_dialog_args_t * );
#define VERBOSE_TEXT N_( "Print Qt's important internal messages" )
#define VERBOSE_LONGTEXT N_( "Enable Qt's all own messaging categories except the debug category." )
#define HIDE_WINDOW_ON_CLOSE_TEXT N_( "Hide the window on close" )
#define HIDE_WINDOW_ON_CLOSE_LONGTEXT N_( "Instead of closing the application, hide the window. This setting is only applicable when system tray icon is enabled." )
static const int initial_prefs_view_list[] = { 0, 1, 2 };
static const char *const initial_prefs_view_list_texts[] =
{ N_("Simple"), N_("Advanced"), N_("Expert") };
......@@ -428,6 +431,8 @@ vlc_module_begin ()
add_bool( "qt-verbose", false, VERBOSE_TEXT, VERBOSE_LONGTEXT )
add_bool( "qt-close-to-system-tray", false, HIDE_WINDOW_ON_CLOSE_TEXT, HIDE_WINDOW_ON_CLOSE_LONGTEXT )
add_float_with_range( "qt-safe-area", 0, 0, 100.0, SAFE_AREA_TEXT, SAFE_AREA_LONGTEXT )
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