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Commit 5db6d3c8 authored by Prince Gupta's avatar Prince Gupta :speech_balloon: Committed by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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qt: don't scale radius for drop shadow effect

improves batching and reduces size of generated effect
parent 5a52d25e
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1 merge request!3475qt: don't scale radius for drop shadow effect
Pipeline #331015 canceled with stage
in 1 hour, 17 minutes, and 59 seconds
......@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ public:
// Copy the mask
QPainter painter(&ret);
const auto radius = effectiveBlurRadius();
const auto radius = m_blurRadius;
painter.drawImage(radius + m_xOffset, radius + m_yOffset, mask);
// Blur the mask
qt_blurImage(ret, effectiveBlurRadius(), false);
qt_blurImage(ret, m_blurRadius, false);
return ret;
......@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ public:
constexpr QSize boundingSize(const QSize& size) const
// Size of bounding rectangle of the effect
const qreal radius = 2 * effectiveBlurRadius();
return size + QSize(qAbs(m_xOffset) + radius, qAbs(m_yOffset) + radius);
const qreal diameter = m_blurRadius * 2;
return size + QSize(qAbs(m_xOffset) + diameter, qAbs(m_yOffset) + diameter);
......@@ -99,13 +99,6 @@ protected:
QColor m_color {63, 63, 63, 180};
qreal m_xOffset = 0.0;
qreal m_yOffset = 0.0;
constexpr qreal effectiveBlurRadius() const
// Translated blur radius for the Qt blur algorithm
return 2.5 * (m_blurRadius + 1);
class RoundedRectDropShadowEffect : public RectDropShadowEffect
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