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Commit 47776b7f authored by Marvin Scholz's avatar Marvin Scholz Committed by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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codec: videotoolbox: handle kVTVideoDecoderReferenceMissingErr

The kVTVideoDecoderReferenceMissingErr error is not a critical one,
but without it being handled here, it would lead to aborting with
VideoToolbox and falling back to Software.

Reproduced this with a sample provided by zhilizhao(赵志立),
related to !1790.

I assume that before this error code was introduced in macOS 12/iOS 15,
VT did just return the NULL image buffer with a success status code,
leading to the issue seen in !1790.

(cherry picked from commit f7434e60)
Signed-off-by: default avatarMarvin Scholz <>
parent 21952d52
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2 merge requests!3533Backport MR 3236 to 3.0.x,!2006[3.0] codec: videotoolbox: handle kVTVideoDecoderReferenceMissingErr
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