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Commit 10ab9544 authored by Fatih Uzunoğlu's avatar Fatih Uzunoğlu Committed by François Cartegnie
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qml: take display margins into consideration in FadingEdgeListView

parent ecf1571e
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in 17 minutes and 14 seconds
......@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ ListView {
if (headerItem && headerItem.visible && headerPositioning === ListView.OverlayHeader)
margin += headerItem.height
return itemAt(contentX + (delegateItem.x + delegateItem.width / 2), contentY + margin)
return itemAt(contentX + (delegateItem.x + delegateItem.width / 2), contentY + margin - displayMarginBeginning + spacing)
} else {
if (headerItem && headerItem.visible && headerPositioning === ListView.OverlayHeader)
margin += headerItem.width
return itemAt(contentX + margin, contentY + (delegateItem.y + delegateItem.height / 2))
return itemAt(contentX + margin - displayMarginBeginning + spacing, contentY + (delegateItem.y + delegateItem.height / 2))
......@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ ListView {
if (footerItem && footerItem.visible && footerPositioning === ListView.OverlayFooter)
margin += footerItem.height
return itemAt(contentX + (delegateItem.x + delegateItem.width / 2), contentY + height - margin - 1)
return itemAt(contentX + (delegateItem.x + delegateItem.width / 2), contentY + height - margin + displayMarginEnd - spacing - 1)
} else {
if (footerItem && footerItem.visible && footerPositioning === ListView.OverlayFooter)
margin += footerItem.width
return itemAt(contentX + width - margin - 1, contentY + (delegateItem.y + delegateItem.height / 2))
return itemAt(contentX + width - margin + displayMarginEnd - spacing - 1, contentY + (delegateItem.y + delegateItem.height / 2))
......@@ -162,15 +162,18 @@ ListView {
anchors.left: parent.left
implicitWidth: Math.ceil(parent.width)
implicitHeight: Math.ceil(parent.height)
anchors.leftMargin: (orientation === ListView.Horizontal ? -displayMarginBeginning : 0)
anchors.topMargin: (orientation === ListView.Vertical ? -displayMarginBeginning : 0)
implicitWidth: Math.ceil(parent.width + (orientation === ListView.Horizontal ? (displayMarginBeginning + displayMarginEnd) : 0))
implicitHeight: Math.ceil(parent.height + (orientation === ListView.Vertical ? (displayMarginBeginning + displayMarginEnd) : 0))
z: root.contentItem.z
sourceItem: root.contentItem
sourceRect: Qt.rect(root.contentX,
sourceRect: Qt.rect(root.contentX - (orientation === ListView.Horizontal ? displayMarginBeginning : 0),
root.contentY - (orientation === ListView.Vertical ? displayMarginBeginning : 0),
......@@ -182,8 +185,10 @@ ListView {
// If background rectangle is fully opaque,
// the texture does not need an alpha
// channel: (optimization)
format: (contentItemCoverRect.visible && Helpers.compareFloat(1.0, contentItemCoverRect.color.a)) ? ShaderEffectSource.RGB
: ShaderEffectSource.RGBA
format: (contentItemCoverRect.visible
&& Helpers.compareFloat(1.0, contentItemCoverRect.color.a)
&& (displayMarginBeginning <= 0 && displayMarginEnd <= 0)) ? ShaderEffectSource.RGB
: ShaderEffectSource.RGBA
layer.enabled: true
layer.effect: ShaderEffect {
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