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  • Steve Lhomme's avatar
    video_output: remove dropped_current_frame test · dd8c8e03
    Steve Lhomme authored
    When we go in the `(next != NULL)` section, we have a new picture to render.
    We need to wait until its "refresh" date to start the rendering.
    It doesn't matter if there was a picture shown before that one.
    The code is almost the same as before where dropped_current_frame was almost
    always true. The only time it was false was:
    * first picture and next is not NULL (first pic & next NULL is impossible here)
    * not first picture and next is NULL
    So the new code only changes the case where it is the "first picture and next
    is not NULL". But in that case, first was true and therefore the test was
    not passing, just like now.
    It is logically equivalent to the code before. But now it's clear that when we
    don't have a next picture we request a redisplay (of displayed.current).