Fix d3d11 leaks
- May 14, 2020
Martin Finkel authoredf2d544c6
Martin Finkel authored925a6e56
Martin Finkel authored8151aa8e
Martin Finkel authored
Unity provides some resources on startup (unless it fails to initialize d3d11 properly). We create a d3d11 device. When the cleanup callback is called, we can release most of the resources but not our d3d11 device. When the mediaplayer is released, we can unsub from the callbacks and release the d3d11 device we created.
9c544a26 -
Martin Finkel authored
this isn't optimal but if Unity fails to initialize properly like it does on some computers for some reason, the Editor will crash without this check. getVideoFrame is called from the C# script in the Unity lifecycle Update() function which is called on each game frame.
74a93145 -
Martin Finkel authoredc6cd0229
Martin Finkel authoredd67dc98d
Martin Finkel authored4e1a9cd4
- May 13, 2020
Martin Finkel authored
warning: ISO C++ requires field designators to be specified in declaration order; field 'bottom' will be initialized after field 'right' [-Wreorder-init-list]
- May 12, 2020
Martin Finkel authoreddbf514ec
Martin Finkel authorede8a507d8
Martin Finkel authoreda43ab34a
Martin Finkel authored878950f5