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Add carplay

Felix Paul Kühne requested to merge fkuehne/vlc-ios:add-carplay into master

This adds an initial support for CarPlay as requested in #746 (closed)

Additionally, this deploys UIScene for the app flow on iOS 13 or later as this is an absolute requirement to support CarPlay with the current APIs introduced in iOS 14.

When executed on iOS 12 or earlier, VLC will use the traditional app flow.

This is what it currently looks like: Simulator_Screen_Shot_-iPhone_13_mini-_2022-10-26_at_13.46.45



Note that CarPlay is limited to showing 4 tabs at a time, so I tried to select the most common ones. Video playback is not acceptable within CarPlay in any way.

Edited by Felix Paul Kühne

Merge request reports