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Improve action sheet's constraints on collection view for small screens or landscape orientation

Those changes helps to improve interactions on action sheet view when displayed on small screens or landscape, mostly to be able to dismiss the view by enforcing the display of a touchable margin on top of it.

It also enable and displays vertical scroll indicator when appearing or on orientation changes if the items collection container is smaller than its content.

Here are some ui renders on some devices in portrait and landscape

device/os orientation display
iPhone 5s/iOS 12.5.4 landscape Screen_Shot_2022-01-05_at_16.12.54
iPhone 5s/iOS 12.5.4 portrait Screen_Shot_2022-01-05_at_16.12.34
iPhone X/iOS 14.4.2 landscape Screen_Shot_2022-01-05_at_16.56.46
iPhone X/iOS 14.4.2 portrait Screen_Shot_2022-01-05_at_16.56.27

Closes #944 (closed)

Edited by Maxime Chapelet

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