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D3D11: Expose swapchain flags & wrapping fix

Hendrik Leppkes requested to merge h.leppkes/libplacebo:d3d11flags into master
  • swapchain flags

Allow specifying additional flags to use when creating the swapchain. This allows creating eg. a waitable swapchain for additional control over presentation timing.

- bind flags

When using video texture formats (eg. NV12/P010), D3D11 does not allow creating multiple conflicting views of a texture at the same time, which causes texture wrapping to fail if libplacebo tries to map both a shader view and a render target view from such a texture.

Unfortunately, libplacebo does not have enough information to know if it should just read from a wrapped texture, or also render to it, instead give the user the control to mask out certain bind flags and prevent libplacebo from using them.

Edited by Hendrik Leppkes

Merge request reports