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swapchain: add pl_swapchain_start_frame_ex API

Hopefully the design of this is OK. I ended up just making it sort of a wrapper around start_frame and putting all the hard work into start_frame_common functions (open to a better name for these). To account for any sort of generic parameter that someone may want, I made a pl_swapchain_params struct that gets passed down the fns. To do the fancy stuff, it's just start_frame_ex instead of start_frame. I say fancy, but only one thing is actually different (the actual vulkan timeout implementation could be split out to a separate commit maybe?).

Sidenote: hilariously, the timeout doesn't actually work on wayland because mesa is broken which was my original motivation but oh well. Also, does some API version number somewhere need to be bumped?

Edited by Dudemanguy

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