opengl_surfaceless test failure in on i386, arm*, mips* and s390x
opengl_surfaceless failed to on various Debian architectures:
8/8 opengl_surfaceless.c FAIL 0.82s (killed by signal 7 SIGBUS)
--- command ---
09:29:01 /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabi/src/test.opengl_surfaceless.c
--- stdout ---
Initialized EGL v1.4
info: Initialized libplacebo v2.72.0 (API v72)
Attempting creation of Desktop OpenGL v4.6 context
Attempting creation of Desktop OpenGL v4.5 context
Attempting creation of Desktop OpenGL v4.4 context
Attempting creation of Desktop OpenGL v4.0 context
Attempting creation of Desktop OpenGL v3.3 context
info: Detected OpenGL version strings:
info: GL_VERSION: 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 20.1.1
info: GL_VENDOR: VMware, Inc.
info: GL_RENDERER: llvmpipe (LLVM 10.0.0, 128 bits)
info: GPU information:
info: GLSL version: 330
info: Capabilities: 0xd
info: Limits:
info: max_tex_1d_dim: 8192
info: max_tex_2d_dim: 8192
info: max_tex_3d_dim: 2048
info: max_pushc_size: 0
info: max_xfer_size: 4294967295
info: max_ubo_size: 65536
info: max_ssbo_size: 134217728
info: max_buffer_texels: 0
info: min_gather_offset: -32
info: max_gather_offset: 31
info: max_shmem_size: 32768
info: max_group_threads: 1024
info: max_group_size[0]: 1024
info: max_group_size[1]: 1024
info: max_group_size[2]: 1024
info: max_dispatch[0]: 65535
info: max_dispatch[1]: 65535
info: max_dispatch[2]: 65535
info: align_tex_xfer_stride: 4
info: align_tex_xfer_offset: 32
debug: GPU texture formats:
debug: r8 UNORM 0x27f 1 R {8 0 0 0 } {8 0 0 0 } float r8
debug: rg8 UNORM 0x27f 2 RG {8 8 0 0 } {8 8 0 0 } vec2 rg8
debug: rgba8 UNORM 0x27f 4 RGBA {8 8 8 8 } {8 8 8 8 } vec4 rgba8
debug: r16 UNORM 0x27f 2 R {16 0 0 0 } {16 0 0 0 } float r16
debug: rg16 UNORM 0x27f 4 RG {16 16 0 0 } {16 16 0 0 } vec2 rg16
debug: rgba16 UNORM 0x27f 8 RGBA {16 16 16 16} {16 16 16 16} vec4 rgba16
debug: r32f FLOAT 0x27f 4 R {32 0 0 0 } {32 0 0 0 } float r32f
debug: rg32f FLOAT 0x27f 8 RG {32 32 0 0 } {32 32 0 0 } vec2 rg32f
debug: rgba32f FLOAT 0x27f 16 RGBA {32 32 32 32} {32 32 32 32} vec4 rgba32f
debug: rgb8 UNORM 0x27d 3 RGB {8 8 8 0 } {8 8 8 0 } vec3
debug: rgb16 UNORM 0x27d 6 RGB {16 16 16 0 } {16 16 16 0 } vec3
debug: rgb32f FLOAT 0x27d 12 RGB {32 32 32 0 } {32 32 32 0 } vec3
debug: r8u UINT 0x26b 1 R {8 0 0 0 } {8 0 0 0 } uint r8ui
debug: rg8u UINT 0x26b 2 RG {8 8 0 0 } {8 8 0 0 } uvec2 rg8ui
debug: rgba8u UINT 0x26b 4 RGBA {8 8 8 8 } {8 8 8 8 } uvec4 rgba8ui
debug: r16u UINT 0x26b 2 R {16 0 0 0 } {16 0 0 0 } uint r16ui
debug: rg16u UINT 0x26b 4 RG {16 16 0 0 } {16 16 0 0 } uvec2 rg16ui
debug: rgba16u UINT 0x26b 8 RGBA {16 16 16 16} {16 16 16 16} uvec4 rgba16ui
debug: rgb8u UINT 0x241 3 RGB {8 8 8 0 } {8 8 8 0 } uvec3
debug: rgb16u UINT 0x241 6 RGB {16 16 16 0 } {16 16 16 0 } uvec3
debug: r16f FLOAT 0x23f 4 R {16 0 0 0 } {32 0 0 0 } float r16f
debug: rg16f FLOAT 0x23f 8 RG {16 16 0 0 } {32 32 0 0 } vec2 rg16f
debug: rgba16f FLOAT 0x23f 16 RGBA {16 16 16 16} {32 32 32 32} vec4 rgba16f
debug: rgb16f FLOAT 0x23d 12 RGB {16 16 16 0 } {32 32 32 0 } vec3
info: Restricting GLSL version to 330... new version is 330
test xfer buffer static creation and readback
test xfer buffer empty creation, update and readback
test host mapped buffer readback
testing texture roundtrip for format r8
... 1D
upload time: 71374, download time: 176874
... 2D
upload time: 200, download time: 66750
... 3D
upload time: 225, download time: 225
testing texture roundtrip for format rg8
... 1D
upload time: 175, download time: 71450
... 2D
upload time: 225, download time: 64599
... 3D
upload time: 200, download time: 150
testing texture roundtrip for format rgba8
... 1D
upload time: 200, download time: 69999
... 2D
upload time: 200, download time: 63824
... 3D
upload time: 225, download time: 150
testing texture roundtrip for format r16
... 1D
upload time: 200, download time: 69900
... 2D
upload time: 200, download time: 63175
... 3D
upload time: 200, download time: 250
testing texture roundtrip for format rg16
... 1D
upload time: 200, download time: 68624
... 2D
upload time: 225, download time: 64674
... 3D
upload time: 225, download time: 175
testing texture roundtrip for format rgba16
... 1D
upload time: 250, download time: 69150
... 2D
upload time: 200, download time: 66174
... 3D
upload time: 200, download time: 175
testing texture roundtrip for format r32f
... 1D
upload time: 225, download time: 70849
... 2D
upload time: 150, download time: 64625
... 3D
upload time: 200, download time: 175
testing texture roundtrip for format rg32f
... 1D
upload time: 225, download time: 67025
... 2D
upload time: 175, download time: 63125
... 3D
upload time: 200, download time: 150
testing texture roundtrip for format rgba32f
... 1D
upload time: 200, download time: 79224
... 2D
upload time: 325, download time: 64875
... 3D
upload time: 225, download time: 125
testing texture roundtrip for format rgb8
... 1D
upload time: 175, download time: 70449
... 2D
upload time: 225, download time: 67649
... 3D
upload time: 200, download time: 150
testing texture roundtrip for format rgb16
... 1D
upload time: 200, download time: 80450
... 2D
upload time: 200, download time: 67950
... 3D
upload time: 200, download time: 150
testing texture roundtrip for format rgb32f
... 1D
upload time: 200, download time: 64824
... 2D
upload time: 150, download time: 65975
... 3D
upload time: 225, download time: 175
testing texture roundtrip for format r8u
... 1D
upload time: 200, download time: 65724
... 2D
upload time: 175, download time: 63725
... 3D
upload time: 200, download time: 200
testing texture roundtrip for format rg8u
... 1D
upload time: 175, download time: 80175
... 2D
upload time: 200, download time: 64924
... 3D
upload time: 200, download time: 300
testing texture roundtrip for format rgba8u
... 1D
upload time: 200, download time: 77074
... 2D
upload time: 175, download time: 61024
... 3D
upload time: 200, download time: 175
testing texture roundtrip for format r16u
... 1D
upload time: 200, download time: 80449
... 2D
upload time: 200, download time: 63699
... 3D
upload time: 200, download time: 150
testing texture roundtrip for format rg16u
... 1D
upload time: 225, download time: 79324
... 2D
upload time: 200, download time: 65324
... 3D
upload time: 225, download time: 125
testing texture roundtrip for format rgba16u
... 1D
upload time: 225, download time: 76124
... 2D
upload time: 200, download time: 66424
... 3D
upload time: 225, download time: 150
testing texture roundtrip for format rgb8u
... 1D
upload time: 200, download time: 175
... 2D
upload time: 175, download time: 150
... 3D
upload time: 200, download time: 150
testing texture roundtrip for format rgb16u
... 1D
upload time: 200, download time: 175
... 2D
upload time: 175, download time: 175
... 3D
upload time: 225, download time: 175
testing texture roundtrip for format r16f
... 1D
upload time: 225, download time: 108524
... 2D
upload time: 200, download time: 68599
... 3D
upload time: 225, download time: 175
testing texture roundtrip for format rg16f
... 1D
upload time: 175, download time: 74525
... 2D
upload time: 225, download time: 79599
... 3D
upload time: 175, download time: 150
testing texture roundtrip for format rgba16f
... 1D
upload time: 175, download time: 70149
... 2D
upload time: 200, download time: 89974
... 3D
upload time: 200, download time: 175
testing texture roundtrip for format rgb16f
... 1D
upload time: 200, download time: 70400
... 2D
upload time: 200, download time: 91474
... 3D
upload time: 225, download time: 150
debug: LUT method or size changed, reinitializing..
debug: compute shader source:
debug: [ 1] #version 330
debug: [ 2] #extension GL_ARB_compute_shader : enable
debug: [ 3] #extension GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store : enable
debug: [ 4] layout (local_size_x = 32, local_size_y = 32) in;
debug: [ 5] uniform sampler2D _src_tex_0_0;
debug: [ 6] uniform sampler1D _weights_5_0;
debug: [ 7] layout(r32f) writeonly restrict uniform image2D _out_image_13_0;
debug: [ 8] uniform vec2 _tex_size_2_0;
debug: [ 9] uniform vec2 _tex_pt_3_0;
debug: [ 10] uniform vec2 _out_scale_8_0;
debug: [ 11] uniform vec2 _p0_9_0;
debug: [ 12] uniform vec2 _p1_10_0;
debug: [ 13] uniform vec2 _p2_11_0;
debug: [ 14] uniform vec2 _p3_12_0;
debug: [ 15] uniform ivec2 _base_14_0;
debug: [ 16] #define frag_pos(id) (vec2(id) + vec2(0.5))
debug: [ 17] #define frag_map(id) (_out_scale_8_0 * frag_pos(id))
debug: [ 18] #define gl_FragCoord vec4(frag_pos(gl_GlobalInvocationID), 0.0, 1.0)
debug: [ 19] #define _tex_coord_1_0_map(id) (mix(mix(_p0_9_0, _p1_10_0, frag_map(id).x), mix(_p2_11_0, _p3_12_0, frag_map(id).x), frag_map(id).y))
debug: [ 20] #define _tex_coord_1_0 (_tex_coord_1_0_map(gl_GlobalInvocationID))
debug: [ 21]
debug: [ 22] #define _LUT_POS_6_0(x) mix(0.007813, 0.992188, (x))
debug: [ 23] #define _lut_4_0(pos) (texture(_weights_5_0, float(\
debug: [ 24] _LUT_POS_6_0(float(pos))\
debug: [ 25] )).x)
debug: [ 26] shared float _in_7_00[100];
debug: [ 27] void _main_15_0() {
debug: [ 28] // pl_shader_sample_polar
debug: [ 29] vec4 color = vec4(0.0);
debug: [ 30] {
debug: [ 31] vec2 pos = _tex_coord_1_0, size = _tex_size_2_0, pt = _tex_pt_3_0;
debug: [ 32] vec2 fcoord = fract(pos * size - vec2(0.5));
debug: [ 33] vec2 base = pos - pt * fcoord;
debug: [ 34] float w, d, wsum = 0.0;
debug: [ 35] int idx;
debug: [ 36] vec4 c;
debug: [ 37] vec2 wpos = _tex_coord_1_0_map(gl_WorkGroupID * gl_WorkGroupSize);
debug: [ 38] vec2 wbase = wpos - pt * fract(wpos * size - vec2(0.5));
debug: [ 39] ivec2 rel = ivec2(round((base - wbase) * size));
debug: [ 40] for (int y = int(gl_LocalInvocationID.y); y < 10; y += 32) {
debug: [ 41] for (int x = int(gl_LocalInvocationID.x); x < 10; x += 32) {
debug: [ 42] c = texture(_src_tex_0_0, wbase + pt * vec2(x - 3, y - 3));
debug: [ 43] _in_7_00[10 * y + x] = c[0];
debug: [ 44] }}
debug: [ 45] groupMemoryBarrier();
debug: [ 46] barrier();
debug: [ 47] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 0;
debug: [ 48] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 1;
debug: [ 49] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 2;
debug: [ 50] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 3;
debug: [ 51] d = length(vec2(0.0, -3.0) - fcoord);
debug: [ 52] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [ 53] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [ 54] wsum += w;
debug: [ 55] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [ 56] }
debug: [ 57] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 4;
debug: [ 58] d = length(vec2(1.0, -3.0) - fcoord);
debug: [ 59] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [ 60] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [ 61] wsum += w;
debug: [ 62] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [ 63] }
debug: [ 64] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 5;
debug: [ 65] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 6;
debug: [ 66] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 7;
debug: [ 67] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 10;
debug: [ 68] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 11;
debug: [ 69] d = length(vec2(-2.0, -2.0) - fcoord);
debug: [ 70] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [ 71] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [ 72] wsum += w;
debug: [ 73] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [ 74] }
debug: [ 75] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 12;
debug: [ 76] d = length(vec2(-1.0, -2.0) - fcoord);
debug: [ 77] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [ 78] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [ 79] wsum += w;
debug: [ 80] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [ 81] }
debug: [ 82] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 13;
debug: [ 83] d = length(vec2(0.0, -2.0) - fcoord);
debug: [ 84] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [ 85] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [ 86] wsum += w;
debug: [ 87] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [ 88] }
debug: [ 89] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 14;
debug: [ 90] d = length(vec2(1.0, -2.0) - fcoord);
debug: [ 91] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [ 92] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [ 93] wsum += w;
debug: [ 94] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [ 95] }
debug: [ 96] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 15;
debug: [ 97] d = length(vec2(2.0, -2.0) - fcoord);
debug: [ 98] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [ 99] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [100] wsum += w;
debug: [101] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [102] }
debug: [103] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 16;
debug: [104] d = length(vec2(3.0, -2.0) - fcoord);
debug: [105] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [106] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [107] wsum += w;
debug: [108] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [109] }
debug: [110] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 17;
debug: [111] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 20;
debug: [112] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 21;
debug: [113] d = length(vec2(-2.0, -1.0) - fcoord);
debug: [114] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [115] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [116] wsum += w;
debug: [117] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [118] }
debug: [119] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 22;
debug: [120] d = length(vec2(-1.0, -1.0) - fcoord);
debug: [121] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [122] wsum += w;
debug: [123] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [124] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 23;
debug: [125] d = length(vec2(0.0, -1.0) - fcoord);
debug: [126] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [127] wsum += w;
debug: [128] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [129] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 24;
debug: [130] d = length(vec2(1.0, -1.0) - fcoord);
debug: [131] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [132] wsum += w;
debug: [133] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [134] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 25;
debug: [135] d = length(vec2(2.0, -1.0) - fcoord);
debug: [136] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [137] wsum += w;
debug: [138] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [139] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 26;
debug: [140] d = length(vec2(3.0, -1.0) - fcoord);
debug: [141] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [142] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [143] wsum += w;
debug: [144] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [145] }
debug: [146] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 27;
debug: [147] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 30;
debug: [148] d = length(vec2(-3.0, 0.0) - fcoord);
debug: [149] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [150] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [151] wsum += w;
debug: [152] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [153] }
debug: [154] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 31;
debug: [155] d = length(vec2(-2.0, 0.0) - fcoord);
debug: [156] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [157] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [158] wsum += w;
debug: [159] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [160] }
debug: [161] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 32;
debug: [162] d = length(vec2(-1.0, 0.0) - fcoord);
debug: [163] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [164] wsum += w;
debug: [165] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [166] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 33;
debug: [167] d = length(vec2(0.0, 0.0) - fcoord);
debug: [168] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [169] wsum += w;
debug: [170] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [171] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 34;
debug: [172] d = length(vec2(1.0, 0.0) - fcoord);
debug: [173] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [174] wsum += w;
debug: [175] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [176] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 35;
debug: [177] d = length(vec2(2.0, 0.0) - fcoord);
debug: [178] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [179] wsum += w;
debug: [180] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [181] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 36;
debug: [182] d = length(vec2(3.0, 0.0) - fcoord);
debug: [183] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [184] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [185] wsum += w;
debug: [186] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [187] }
debug: [188] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 37;
debug: [189] d = length(vec2(4.0, 0.0) - fcoord);
debug: [190] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [191] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [192] wsum += w;
debug: [193] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [194] }
debug: [195] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 40;
debug: [196] d = length(vec2(-3.0, 1.0) - fcoord);
debug: [197] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [198] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [199] wsum += w;
debug: [200] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [201] }
debug: [202] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 41;
debug: [203] d = length(vec2(-2.0, 1.0) - fcoord);
debug: [204] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [205] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [206] wsum += w;
debug: [207] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [208] }
debug: [209] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 42;
debug: [210] d = length(vec2(-1.0, 1.0) - fcoord);
debug: [211] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [212] wsum += w;
debug: [213] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [214] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 43;
debug: [215] d = length(vec2(0.0, 1.0) - fcoord);
debug: [216] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [217] wsum += w;
debug: [218] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [219] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 44;
debug: [220] d = length(vec2(1.0, 1.0) - fcoord);
debug: [221] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [222] wsum += w;
debug: [223] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [224] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 45;
debug: [225] d = length(vec2(2.0, 1.0) - fcoord);
debug: [226] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [227] wsum += w;
debug: [228] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [229] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 46;
debug: [230] d = length(vec2(3.0, 1.0) - fcoord);
debug: [231] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [232] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [233] wsum += w;
debug: [234] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [235] }
debug: [236] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 47;
debug: [237] d = length(vec2(4.0, 1.0) - fcoord);
debug: [238] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [239] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [240] wsum += w;
debug: [241] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [242] }
debug: [243] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 50;
debug: [244] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 51;
debug: [245] d = length(vec2(-2.0, 2.0) - fcoord);
debug: [246] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [247] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [248] wsum += w;
debug: [249] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [250] }
debug: [251] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 52;
debug: [252] d = length(vec2(-1.0, 2.0) - fcoord);
debug: [253] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [254] wsum += w;
debug: [255] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [256] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 53;
debug: [257] d = length(vec2(0.0, 2.0) - fcoord);
debug: [258] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [259] wsum += w;
debug: [260] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [261] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 54;
debug: [262] d = length(vec2(1.0, 2.0) - fcoord);
debug: [263] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [264] wsum += w;
debug: [265] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [266] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 55;
debug: [267] d = length(vec2(2.0, 2.0) - fcoord);
debug: [268] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [269] wsum += w;
debug: [270] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [271] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 56;
debug: [272] d = length(vec2(3.0, 2.0) - fcoord);
debug: [273] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [274] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [275] wsum += w;
debug: [276] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [277] }
debug: [278] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 57;
debug: [279] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 60;
debug: [280] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 61;
debug: [281] d = length(vec2(-2.0, 3.0) - fcoord);
debug: [282] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [283] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [284] wsum += w;
debug: [285] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [286] }
debug: [287] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 62;
debug: [288] d = length(vec2(-1.0, 3.0) - fcoord);
debug: [289] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [290] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [291] wsum += w;
debug: [292] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [293] }
debug: [294] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 63;
debug: [295] d = length(vec2(0.0, 3.0) - fcoord);
debug: [296] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [297] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [298] wsum += w;
debug: [299] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [300] }
debug: [301] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 64;
debug: [302] d = length(vec2(1.0, 3.0) - fcoord);
debug: [303] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [304] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [305] wsum += w;
debug: [306] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [307] }
debug: [308] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 65;
debug: [309] d = length(vec2(2.0, 3.0) - fcoord);
debug: [310] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [311] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [312] wsum += w;
debug: [313] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [314] }
debug: [315] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 66;
debug: [316] d = length(vec2(3.0, 3.0) - fcoord);
debug: [317] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [318] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [319] wsum += w;
debug: [320] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [321] }
debug: [322] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 67;
debug: [323] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 70;
debug: [324] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 71;
debug: [325] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 72;
debug: [326] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 73;
debug: [327] d = length(vec2(0.0, 4.0) - fcoord);
debug: [328] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [329] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [330] wsum += w;
debug: [331] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [332] }
debug: [333] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 74;
debug: [334] d = length(vec2(1.0, 4.0) - fcoord);
debug: [335] if (d < 3.084110) {
debug: [336] w = _lut_4_0(d * 1.0/3.238316);
debug: [337] wsum += w;
debug: [338] color[0] += w * _in_7_00[idx];
debug: [339] }
debug: [340] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 75;
debug: [341] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 76;
debug: [342] idx = 10 * rel.y + rel.x + 77;
debug: [343] color = vec4(1.000000 / wsum) * color;
debug: [344] }
debug: [345] ivec2 dir = ivec2(1, 1);
debug: [346] ivec2 pos = _base_14_0 + dir * ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID);
debug: [347] vec2 fpos = _out_scale_8_0 * vec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID);
debug: [348] if (max(fpos.x, fpos.y) < 1.0) {
debug: [349] imageStore(_out_image_13_0, pos, color);
debug: [350] }
debug: [351]
debug: [352] }
debug: [353]
debug: [354] void main() {
debug: [355] _main_15_0();
debug: [356] }
debug: shader compile log (status=1):
debug: shader link log (status=1):
--- stderr ---
libEGL warning: No hardware driver found, falling back to software rendering
EGL error: 0x3009
EGL error: 0x3009
EGL error: 0x3009
EGL error: 0x3009
See for example. If I also define CI_BACKLIST_COMPUTE
as in the gitlab pipeline, the debug output is shorter, but stderror also contains memcmp(src, dst, bytes) == 0
. These builds are performed in a chroot and the buildd daemons won't have any GPU configured. Maybe this skip should just be skipped if the software rendering fallback is used.