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  • Steve Lhomme's avatar
    ifo_types: avoid forcing a higher length in bitfield structures · ea158e81
    Steve Lhomme authored and Jean-Baptiste Kempf's avatar Jean-Baptiste Kempf committed
    LLVM ends up using the size of an unsigned int if it's used in the bitfield.
    In other places the bitfields are using unsigned char which always uses the
    proper size in the packed structures.
    * multichannel_ext_t would end up having a size of 27 instead of 24
    * cell_playback_t would end up having a size of 26 instead of 24
    * pgci_srp_t would end up having a size of 11 instead of 8
    * playback_type_t would end up having a size of 4 instead of 1