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arm: mc: neon: Improvement in blend_v function

B Krishnan Iyer requested to merge krish-iyer/dav1d:blend into master
	                    A73		     A53	
	               Earlier	Now	Earlier	Now
blend_v_w2_8bpc_neon:	122.1	121.3	195.5	195.5
blend_v_w4_8bpc_neon:	248.2	247.5	375.6	358.5
blend_v_w8_8bpc_neon:	210.3	205.2	375.6	358.5
blend_v_w16_8bpc_neon:	252.7	237.1	579.2	590.5
blend_v_w32_8bpc_neon:	347	345.8	997.4	994.1

Instead of two sub instructions, subtracting from dst_stride(r1) would be better.

Edited by B Krishnan Iyer

Merge request reports