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AArch64: Optimize 6-tap SBD HV Neon convolution

Arpad Panyik requested to merge arpadpanyik-arm/dav1d:mc_6tap_hv into master

This is a follow-up to !1595 (merged). Optimize the 6-tap standard bit-depth horizontal-vertical combined convolution to avoid unnecessary reads and horizontal convolution steps at the beginning and end of the algorithm. This also saves some instructions in the final binary.

Performance of this function increases by up to 5.5% depending on block size.

Micro benchmark results on AWS Graviton 3:

mc_8tap_regular_w2_hv_8bpc_neon:       50.2  ->    50.2 (  0.00 % )
mc_8tap_regular_w4_hv_8bpc_neon:       63.5  ->    61.3 ( -3.46 % )
mc_8tap_regular_w8_hv_8bpc_neon:       94.3  ->    89.4 ( -5.19 % )
mc_8tap_regular_w16_hv_8bpc_neon:     253.9  ->   243.5 ( -4.09 % )
mc_8tap_regular_w32_hv_8bpc_neon:     761.4  ->   735.8 ( -3.36 % )
mc_8tap_regular_w64_hv_8bpc_neon:    2622.6  ->  2547.6 ( -2.85 % )
mc_8tap_regular_w128_hv_8bpc_neon:   7286.8  ->  7110.8 ( -2.41 % )

mct_8tap_regular_w4_hv_8bpc_neon:      44.6  ->    42.5 ( -4.70 % )
mct_8tap_regular_w8_hv_8bpc_neon:     100.3  ->    97.2 ( -3.09 % )
mct_8tap_regular_w16_hv_8bpc_neon:    309.0  ->   303.2 ( -1.87 % )
mct_8tap_regular_w32_hv_8bpc_neon:   1170.4  ->  1162.9 ( -0.64 % )
mct_8tap_regular_w64_hv_8bpc_neon:   2792.0  ->  2788.9 ( -0.11 % )
mct_8tap_regular_w128_hv_8bpc_neon:  6879.2  ->  6870.5 ( -0.12 % )
Edited by Arpad Panyik

Merge request reports
