Shared object binary size reduction: x84_64 : 16112 bytes ARM64 : 16008 bytes ARM64(+Os) : 21592 bytes ARMv7(+Os+mthumb): 18480 bytes Size reduction of symbols: x84_64 : 15712 bytes ARM64 : 18688 bytes ARM64(+Os) : 18404 bytes ARMv7(+Os+mthumb): 17322 bytes Compiles were done with clang version 18.1.8 and symbol sizes were obtained using nm on the shared object. Provides speed ups on older ARM64 cpus with very little impact on other cpus. Speedup: c7i (skylake) Nature1080p : x0.999 Chimera : x0.998 odroid C4 Nature1080p : x1.007 Chimera : x1.016 Models1080p : x1.005 MountainBike1080p: x1.009 Balloons1080p : x1.008 Raspberry Pi 4 Nature1080p : x1.005 Chimera : x0.999 Models1080p : x0.999 MountainBike1080p: x1.004 Balloons1080p : x1.003 Raspberry Pi 2 (Cortex-A7): (using size optimized build) Nature1080p : x1.003 Models1080p : x0.997
intops.h 2.60 KiB