mobileVLCKit startRecording works but returns false and delegate returns nil for record path
IOS 13.5
Swift 5
mobileVLCKit commit f6ed0887 (3.3.13)
related to #174
I have created a project that starts a rtmp stream and then I have a button to start recording. When it starts it returns false. I ignore the false. After a few seconds of recording I press stop and then the delegate says the path is nil. I look in the folder and the file exists and is viewable. ` Program output
recording file = Optional("(null)") `
attached is a zip of the 3 files needed to create the
The project uses the all the Frameworks as suggested by the project wiki plus libc++.tbd
` class VLCPlayerView: UIView, VLCMediaPlayerDelegate { ... func mediaPlayer(_ player: VLCMediaPlayer!, recordingStoppedAtPath path: String!) { print ("recording file = (String(describing: path))") } }
struct PlayerView: UIViewRepresentable {
typealias UIViewType = VLCPlayerView
@Binding var recording: Bool
func updateUIView(_ uiView: VLCPlayerView, context: UIViewRepresentableContext<PlayerView>) {
let dirname = getDocumentsDirectory()
if recording {
let rc = uiView.mediaPlayer.startRecording(atPath: dirname.path)
print ("rec started \(rc) in \(dirname.path)")
} else {
print(getUrlOfNewestRecording(at: dirname)?.lastPathComponent ?? "None Found")
... } `
NOTE: I suspect the same reason that the record command returns false (incorrectly) may be the same reason that the delegate is getting NIL in the return path, even though a file was recorded.