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  • Romain Vimont's avatar
    opengl: convert texture coords in fragment shader · bf4f21b5
    Romain Vimont authored and Jean-Baptiste Kempf's avatar Jean-Baptiste Kempf committed
    A picture is stored in OpenGL textures (one per plane), possibly with
    padding (the texture may be larger than the actual picture).
    The conversion from picture coordinates to texture coordinates (which
    takes the padding into account) was applied on the input coordinates,
    before the vertex shader. As a consequence, the vertex shader received
    one vector of input texture coordinates per plane (the padding is not
    necessarily the same for all the planes):
        (before this commit)
       picture   texture
       coords    coords        (attributes)      (varyings)
              (1 per plane)
                 (x0, y0) --> MultiTexCoord0     TexCoord0     fragment
       (x,y) --> (x1, y1) --> MultiTexCoord1 --> TexCoord1 --> shader
                 (x2, y2) --> MultiTexCoord2     TexCoord2
    This poses a problem to separate chroma conversion from rendering: the
    renderer should be able to retrieve a pixel color in picture
    coordinates, regarless of the input format or padding.
    To solve this issue, pass the picture coordinates instead of the texture
    coordinates as attribute, and initialize uniform matrices to convert
    from picture to texture coordinates for each plane directly in the
    fragment shader:
        (after this commit)
       coords    (attribute)     (varying)
       (x,y) --> PicCoordsIn --> PicCoords --> fragment shader
                                 TexCoordsMap0 --'||
                    (uniforms)   TexCoordsMap1 ---'|
                                 TexCoordsMap2 ----'
    Note that this also changes the multiplication order of
    (non-commutative) matrices, from (semantically):
        TexCoords = Orientation * TexCoordsMap * PicCoords
        TexCoords = TexCoordsMap * Orientation * PicCoords
    The latter is the correct one: the orientation defines how the input
    picture is rotated, so it must apply to picture coordinates, regardless
    of the actual coordinates in the texture.
    As a side effect, BuildRectangle, BuildSphere and BuildCube are now
    independant of both the number of planes and any texture padding.
    For now, TexCoordsMap is computed from the renderer, but the goal is to
    move it to a separate component (a "sampler").
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <>