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Forked from VideoLAN / medialibrary
Romain Vimont's avatar
Romain Vimont authored
Use a filelock ml.lock in the medialib folder path to guarantee that
only one instance of the medialib can be running for this database.

Build instructions

The media library depends on libvlc, so we must build and install libvlc first.


To build libvlc in some build directory (let's call it x), and install it in a subdirectory install/:

cd ~/projects/vlc   # the VLC git repository
mkdir -p x/install
cd x
../configure --prefix="$PWD"/install
make install

If everything is ok then libvlc is built and installed in ~/projects/vlc/x/install.

Media library

First, we must set PKG_CONFIG_PATH to point to the libvlc pkgconfig:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/projects/vlc/x/install/lib/pkgconfig

We can now build the media library:

cd ~/projects/medialibrary
mkdir x
cd x


To build with the tests:

cd ~/projects/medialibrary
mkdir x
cd x
../configure --enable-tests
make check

To run the tests:
