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Version 3.0.0:
Generic changes:
- Added support for tvOS
- Removed support for the 32bit OS X platform

- VLCLibrary
  - added properties: debugLogging, debugLoggingLevel

  - added properties: titleDescriptions, indexOfLongestTitle, numberOfTitles
  - added selectors: chaptersForTitleIndex:
- VLCMedia
  - added keys: VLCMetaInformationTrackTotal, VLCMetaInformationDirector,
                VLCMetaInformationSeason, VLCMetaInformationEpisode,
                VLCMetaInformationShowName, VLCMetaInformationActors,
                VLCMetaInformationAlbumArtist, VLCMetaInformationDiscNumber
  - added selectors: codecNameForFourCC:trackType:
  - added enums: VLCMediaType, VLCMediaParsingOptions
- VLCTime
  - added selectors: isEqual:

Deprecated APIs:
- VLCMediaPlayer
  - titles, chaptersForTitleIndex:, countOfTitles
  - the entire class is no longer part of the MobileVLCKit distribution
- VLCMedia:
  - fps
  - media:metaValueChangedFrom:forKey:
- VLCMediaPlayer
  - audioTracks
  - videoTracks
  - videoSubTitles

Version 2.2.2:
New APIs:
- VLCMediaPlayer
  - added properties: numberOfVideoTracks, numberOfSubtitlesTracks

Version 2.2.0:
Felix Paul Kühne's avatar
Felix Paul Kühne committed
- Fixed deinterlacing if requested
- Fixed decoding and display of Teletext-based subtitles
- Improved thumbnailing reliability
Felix Paul Kühne's avatar
Felix Paul Kühne committed
- Added support for inclusion in swift projects
- Switched to Automatic Reference Counting
- Various stability improvements
Felix Paul Kühne's avatar
Felix Paul Kühne committed

- It is finally possible to compile the framework without relying on third
  party scripts
- Added 2 sample projects illustrating video playback
- Added support for https and hls playback
- Added support for https connectivity
Felix Paul Kühne's avatar
Felix Paul Kühne committed

- VLCMediaThumbnailer is a public API on the Mac now matching the mobile
Felix Paul Kühne's avatar
Felix Paul Kühne committed
- Updated samples projects illustrating playback, file conversation, ...
Felix Paul Kühne's avatar
Felix Paul Kühne committed
New APIs:
- VLCMediaThumbnailer:
  - added property: snapshotPosition to overwrite the default
- VLCMediaListPlayer:
  - added initWithOptions selector matching VLCMediaPlayer's implementation
  - added pause selector
  - added previous, next and playItemAtIndex selectors
- VLCMedia:
  - added delegate method mediaMetaDataDidChange
- VLCMediaPlayer:
  - added equalizer
  - added countOfTitles
Felix Paul Kühne's avatar
Felix Paul Kühne committed

  - implementing mediaPlayerTimeChanged and mediaPlayerStateChanged within a
    delegate object is optional now
- VLCMedia:
  - nowPlaying meta information is correctly handled now
Deprecated APIs:
- VLCMedia:
  - media:metaValueChangedFrom:forKey:
Changes within VLCKit between 2.0.0 and 2.1.0:
The entire framework was relicensed to LGPL 2.1 or later as well as its
underlying playback modules.
Support for transcoding and streaming as well as DVD playback was not affected
by this move and stays under GPL until further notice.
Felix Paul Kühne's avatar
Felix Paul Kühne committed
Please note that the Objective-C syntax was updated, so VLCKit may no longer
compile with outdated versions of Xcode / clang.

New APIs:
- VLCStreamOutput:
  - support for subtitle transcoding
- VLCMedia:
  - extended media track information for bitrate, language, description, source
    aspect ratio, source aspect denominator, frame rate, frame rate denominator,
    and text encoding
Felix Paul Kühne's avatar
Felix Paul Kühne committed
  - added setter and getter for individual meta data values as well as the
    ability to write changes to the media file
  - added (BOOL)isMediaSizeSuitableForDevice to let VLCKit determine whether the
    current media is considered to be suitable for the current device or
    playback is discouraged. Will always return true on OS X devices.
  - added individual getters for all statistic values, so client application can
    fetch single values instead of having to process a NSDictionary with all the
    available values. The old API is still available and will stay.
- VLCMediaPlayer:
  - added support to enable, switch and disable video tracks
  - added setter/getter for SPU and audio delays
  - added setter/getter for the video scale factor
  - added support for the "adjust" video filter to manipulate contrast,
    brightness, hue, saturation and gamma on the fly
  - new interfaces to fetch names and IDs of audio, subtitle and video tracks
Felix Paul Kühne's avatar
Felix Paul Kühne committed
  - added the ability to launch instances with custom libvlc options
- VLCLibrary:
  - added the ability to launch instances with custom libvlc options
Felix Paul Kühne's avatar
Felix Paul Kühne committed
  - added methods to set App ID and User-Agent
  - added readonly property to fetch compiler information

Deprecated APIs:
- VLCMediaPlayer:
  @property (readonly) NSUInteger fps;
    - use (float)fps instead.
  - (NSArray *)videoSubTitles;
    - use - (NSArray *)videoSubtitleNames; instead
  - (NSArray *)audioTracks;
    - use - (NSArray *)audioTrackNames; instead
  - (NSArray *)videoTracks;
    - use - (NSArray *)videoTrackNames; instead

Modified behavior:
- use of clang instead of llvm-gcc-4.2
- updated project file for Xcode 4.3 and later
- iOS Deployment target was raised to iOS 5.1
- dropped support for the PowerPC architecture
- Mac Deployment target was raised to OS X 10.7
- different logging behavior: to see any debug messages, the framework needs
  to be compiled in debug mode

MobileVLCKit features:
- added support for Opus
- slimmed binary by removing dysfunctional or irrelevant modules
Felix Paul Kühne's avatar
Felix Paul Kühne committed
- screen sleep is prevented during playback
- functionality is strictly limited for full LGPL compliance

Removed APIs:
- VLCMedia:
  - (void)setValue:(id)value forMeta:(NSString *)VLCMetaInformation;
Felix Paul Kühne's avatar
Felix Paul Kühne committed
    use setMetadata:(NSString *)data forKey:(NSString *)key instead