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  • Martin Storsjö's avatar
    omxil: Dequeue output frames even if there's no picture to write them into · a7d96e44
    Martin Storsjö authored and Jean-Baptiste Kempf's avatar Jean-Baptiste Kempf committed
    Make sure we always remove all output frames from the output
    frame queue, even if there's no picture.
    This fixes (for most practical cases at least) the issue where
    the app could hang repeating "can't get output picture" after
    stopping playback with omxil video decoding.
    In that case, the vout didn't return any picture to write the
    decoded frames into, causing the omxil codec to run out of output
    buffers, blocking, and thus running out of input buffers, blocking
    the decoder thread while waiting for a free input buffer.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <>